Glossary of Common Mathematical Terms

This site is intended to clarify common mathematical jargon. It is not really a dictionary of mathematical terms -- things that are probably defined when they first arise -- so much as a description of mathematical vernacular that we routinely use without defining. Each term has some usage examples with it; these are listed in increasing order of prerequisite mathematical knowledge.


"Any" is a somewhat ambiguous term that has caused a great deal of consternation. In general, it means "all" or "every," but it may be best to avoid using it. The problem is if one reads, for example, "Show that any even integer is a sum of two odd integers," one could reasonably respond, "Hot dog! I'll show that 8 is!" This interpretation of "any" gives the choice to the reader, whereas the intent in most mathematical writing is that "any" means "no matter which one you pick," aka "every."


In mathematics, "arbitrary" means "no matter which one is chosen" or "undetermined." That is, if a prompt refers to something arbitrary, it does not mean you can pick whichever one you want; it means that it has to be true for every possible choice or even without making a specific choice ("undetermined"), as though some adversary were choosing for you and trying to trip you up. You can often interpret "an arbitrary" as "every" or "all." Note that this is yet another term with a common meaning in English that can be deceptive in a mathematical context: in math, arbitrary does not mean it is up to your whim.

by inspection

By inspection means that we don't need to employ any special techniques to solve something; we can find answers fairly quickly by a mental calculation or a guess-and-check method -- "just by looking." It's a little hazardous to use, like "obviously," in that "fairly quickly" is in the eye of the beholder. However, it's usually followed by an actual solution that can be checked.


Cancellation refers to algebraically removing something from an expression or equation. More formally, it means combining something with its inverse via some operation to result in the identity for that operation. Adding 3 to \(-3\) (its additive inverse) results in 0, the identity element for addition (adding 0 to any number does not change that number). Multiplying 5 by \(1/5\) (its multiplicative inverse) results in 1, the identity element for multiplication (multiplying any number by 1 does not change that number).

closed form

An expression is in closed form if it can be evaluated in a fixed (finite) number of steps. Things that we call "formulas" are generally in closed form. The basic idea is that if you can just "plug in" your numbers and get a result, the formula is in closed form.


A corollary is a theorem that can be proved directly from a prior theorem, usually without changing the hypotheses much if at all. In many cases, you may even see that the proof is omitted because there isn't much to add.


A correlation between two measurable quantities is an indication of the strength of a (linear) relationship between them. In mathematics (statistics, really), it does not have the standard English meaning of "association" or "connection." A positive correlation indicates that the quantities grow or shrink together; a negative correlation indicates that as one grows, the other shrinks. The strength of the correlation is also measurable; take a course in statistics to delve into that.


To derive a formula is to deduce it from some starting point. Other results can also be derived; generally, there is a sense of discovery associated with derivations that is missing from proofs even though they may share some common elements.


Epsilon is the fifth letter of the Greek alphabet; it is traditionally used in analysis to represent a tiny positive number. It has come to have a colloquial use in math to mean something really small.


In order for things to be equal, they must be the same: of the same kind and having the same value(s) in all respects. Equality is denoted with an equal sign, \(=\), which functions as a verb in a mathematical sentence. Caution: the equal sign is often abused by placing it between quantities that are not equal, as though it meant "Here's my next thought." It does not mean that.


An equation is a mathematical sentence that expresses equality between two quantities. Equations involve an equal sign (\(=\)), which acts as the verb of the sentence; if there is no equal sign, it isn't an equation.

evenly (divides)

We say that one number \(a\) divides another number \(b\) if there is a third number \(c\) such that \(b=ac\). Another way of saying that \(a\) divides \(b\) is to say that \(b\) is a multiple of \(a\). We could also say that \(a\) evenly divides \(b\); this means the same thing. It does not imply that the quotient (result) is itself an even number. Here, "evenly" is used to mean "with no remainder" or "with a remainder of 0."


See verify.


"Exponentiate" is a term that pretty much does what it sounds like it should: to exponentiate an expression is to make it the exponent of some base, usually \(e\). It often arises in the context of exponentiating both sides of an equation to eliminate a logarithm.


A mathematical expression is a computation of some kind, possibly implied, that can involve numbers, functions, operations, variables, etc. An expression differs from an equation in that it does not involve an equal sign; each side of an equation is an expression.


(noun) A factor is a number (or other object) that is multiplied by another number (or object). Factors are also called multiplicands, but only when they're in trouble.

(verb) To factor an expression is to write it as a product of factors (the noun kind).


Mathematicians use fixed in the somewhat "classical" sense of unchanging or constant (as opposed to "repaired").


In mathematics, formal refers to something that follows a particular form (not something that wears a tux). It can also be used in the context of a "formal" proof (or definition), meaning one that carefully checks all the boxes of proof (or definition) as opposed to an "informal" proof (or definition) that gives a more intuitive explanation but omits some of the details.


A formula is an equation (or expression) used to calculate something specific.


In mathematics, a function is a very specific way of pairing things up, which differs dramatically from its normal English usages (e.g., purpose (noun) or work correctly (verb). There are a lot of equivalent definitions people use. The most common formal definition is the "Bourbaki [Note: external link] definition: a function \(f\) from a set \(A\) to a set \(B\) is a set of ordered pairs \((x,y)\) with \(x\in A\) and \(x\in B\) such that every \(x\in A\) appears exactly once as the first element in the set of ordered pairs. We call \(A\) the domain and \(B\) the codomain, and we call \(x\) the input and \(y\) the output. Rather than write \((x,y)\in f\), we usually write \(f(x)=y\), pronounced "f of x equals y."

if and only if

"If and only if" is a term of logic that says two statements are logically equivalent -- saying one is like saying the other, and vice versa. If we label the statements \(p\) and \(q\), then "\(p\) if and only if \(q\)" means that if \(p\) is true, so is \(q\), and if \(q\) is true, so is \(p\). This is not the case in general for "if-then" statements.

in general

We say in general to mean "other than in special cases" (or "in cases besides the one mentioned") although it can sometimes mean "always." In the former usage, we usually mean that the special cases are rare.

in terms of

"Express Y in terms of X" means "Write Y in a way that shows how Y depends on X." It often appears in the form, "Solve for \(y\) in terms of \(x\)," which usually just means "solve for \(y\)" since the "in terms of \(x\)" part will happen automatically. However, if there are more variables or other expressions involved, "in terms of \(x\)" may be used to clarify that that particular dependence is the one we're most interested in. It may also be that we want to express Y in terms of multiple things.

Sometimes, we mean that we want the solution to have a particular form; see the second example below.

Finally, sometimes there is no equation to solve. Rather, we are attempting to establish a relationship between Y and X, so we are creating an equation. If the variables are \(y\) and \(x\), we have an expectation (not always correct) that we want to express \(y\) in terms of \(x\). When the variables are something else, we have no expectation to fall back on, so we need to know which variable to express in terms of the other(s).


Integral has two primary meanings in mathematics. There is the calculus meaning, referring to a definite or indefinite integral (\(\int_a^bf(x)dx\) or \(\int f(x)dx\)). Integral is also used as the adjective form of integer. This second meaning is the focus of this entry; think of integral in this sense as meaning "whole."


See verify.

like (terms)

In an expression, like terms are terms that are the same except possibly for a constant multiplier. They can be simplified using the Distributive Law, giving rise to the prompt, "Combine like terms."


Linear is used in a few different ways. Algebraically, it refers to first-degree equations or expressions. Geometrically, it refers to things that are "like" lines; i.e., things that are straight or flat. In terms of functions, linear means a function that grows at a constant rate (i.e., increasing the input by a 1 results in a consistent increase in the output regardless of the input's starting point). There is also a more specialized meaning in Linear (there's that word again!) Algebra for "linear transformations"; see the Linear Algebra example below. Linearity refers to the algebraic property that such functions have; the last example discusses this.


A "map" usually just means a function, but map can also have more technical meanings in different areas of mathematics. (In the more technical cases, the precise definition should be spelled out for you.) The difference is that "map" tends to evoke a more dynamic image of what is happening: thinking of individual elements being "mapped" to other elements gives a different perspective from the usual input/output conception of a function. We will usually use "map" when we want to describe what happens to individual elements. Unlike the mathematical version of "function," we can also use "map" as a verb, and that is probably more common.


A mathematical model is an equation, expression, function, graph, or any mathematical structure (or a system of them) that purports to describe some phenomenon. It usually involves some simplifying assumptions since the world is super complicated, and models usually have various limitations.

of the form

When we ask for something "of the form" (or "in the form") of something else, we mean that we want the result expressed in a way that is structurally similar.


A product is the result of multiplying things together. (Contrast with a sum, which is the result of adding things together.) The things being multiplied are the factors.


One quantity is proportional to another (or the two are proportional) if it is a constant multiple of the other. In symbols, \(a\) is proportional to \(b\) if there is a constant \(k\), called the constant of proportionality, such that \(a=kb\). In this situation, if \(b\) doubles, so does \(a\); if \(b\) triples, so does \(a\), etc. But if \(b\) increases by 2, \(a\) increases by \(2k\): \(k(b+2)=kb+2k\). Any percentage change in \(b\) is matched by the same percentage change in \(a\), but other changes in \(b\) have different effects on \(a\). We may also say that two quantities are in proportion if one is proportional to the other. Note that this also means that the ratio of the two quantities is constant: \(\frac{a}{b}=k\); this is another way of saying that \(a\) and \(b\) are proportional.


See verify.

rational (vs. irrational)

In mathematics, "rational" refers to whether a number can be expressed as a ratio of integers. (More generally, it refers to whether something can be expressed as a ratio of integer-"like" things.) When a number cannot be so expressed, we call it irrational.


"Respectively" means "in the same order." It is used when we have a list of objects corresponding to a list of properties and we want to indicate that the first property goes with the first object, the second with the second, and so on. It is used this way outside of mathematics, as well.


"Satisfy" appears in many contexts, but the general idea is X satisfies Y if X meets the conditions described by Y.


See verify.


"Simplify" is a slippery notion. The big picture is to take something given in a complicated form and turn it into something equivalent, but in a not-complicated form. The problem is that "not-complicated" depends somewhat on the context. For certain purposes, it may be "simpler" to leave an expression "unsimplified" because simplifying obscures useful information. In general, though, simplify means to reduce the number of terms or factors --usually as much as possible -- via cancellation so that the result is visually easier for our brains to digest and there are no redundant terms or factors. A simplified expression will generally have only one term of a given kind, and each term will have only one factor of a given kind.

such that

We use such that to indicate the conditions or assumptions we are working under; when we say "X such that Y," we mean that the "X" we are talking about has the properties described by "Y."


A sum is the result of adding things together.


A term is one member of a sum -- one of the things being added together.

(bound is) tight

A "bound" refers to an upper or lower limit on the numerical value of some quantity. When we say that a bound is tight, we mean that there is no "better" bound possible. Contrast this with a sharp bound, which means that while a quantity can't go past a certain number, it does reach it. A tight bound is not necessarily reached.


The term "uniformly" shows up in a few different contexts; this glossary is focused on its use in probability. When we say that numbers are chosen uniformly, we mean they are chosen with equal probability: any one of the numbers is as likely to be chosen as any other.

up to

"Up to X" means "if we ignore X." It's often used to clarify what we mean when we claim there is only one of something, as in "unique up to X."

variance (see physics)

In mathematics, variance refers to a statistical measure of how spread out a data set is. However, there is a second meaning that shows up sometimes in the context of a technique known as "variation of parameters." Some authors will use "variance" to describe the process one uses in applying this technique. This is a technical area far beyond the scope of this glossary, so this entry is here for disambiguation in case someone gets confused by the secondary meaning.


Check with your teacher for the meaning of these since there is some variation. Generally, prove means "give a formal proof"; verify means to check that something works as claimed, which could involve a proof or just be a quick "Yeah, that makes sense"; and show means "give a (perhaps informal) proof." Explain can take a different direction, where the intention is to add discussion that can clarify technical details. Justify is somewhere in the middle ground. The ambiguity here is in the level of formality desired, which is why you need to check with your teacher.

with respect to

"With respect to \(x\)" means that \(x\) is the variable we are focusing on. There may or may not be other variables involved, but \(x\) is the one we are working with -- the one we are treating as "the" independent variable. This will usually follow a verb, e.g., "differentiate" ("take the derivative of") or "integrate." More generally, "with respect to" means "regarding"; it indicates where to focus your attention.


I welcome any feedback about this page. If you have a comment or a word or phrase you'd like to see here, please drop me a line: cstarr at willamette dot edu.


I owe a great many people for assistance with this project.
