Avoid placing objects directly in the center of the image.
Avoid overcrowding. Simplify crowded compositions by joining complex objects together to create large value masses.
Avoid equal spacing or divisions of objects or masses.
Keep tangents out of your painting. Overlap your objects instead of letting them touch each other at a point or at the edges.
Stay away from the edge.
Avoid too many parallel lines.
Avoid lopsided pictures where all the weight falls on one side.
Can you identify the overall form - horizontal, vertical, diagonal, etc?
Is the division of space effective? Eg., Are the land and sky in a proportion that will make the image exciting?
Have I grouped objects in an interesting way?
Have I created a sense of depth? Do I want to?
Is the dark and light range consistent with the established mood?
Is there a single major focal area? Is it well placed? Are there subordinate or secondary focal areas?
Are there organized movements through the picture?
Is linkage or passage provided to the focal area
Does the basic light-dark pattern design create and interesting abstract pattern?
Are the negative shapes interesting and varied?
Is the image predominantly warm or cool, or does it have a dominant color family?
Has detail been used appropriately in a varied way? Is there more detail around the focal area than on the outside edges of the sheet?
Do colors reflect the sense of place, mood, and content I hope to share?
Are neutral colors used effectively to allow intense color areas to come forth?
Are weighted areas (dark values and intense colors) balanced to avoid lopsidedness?