Design and Composition

Give your picture focus, unity, conflict, repetition/alternation, dominance, balance, gradation, harmony

Creating Contrast/Focus

The eye is naturally drawn to areas in your picture where there is marked contrast in:

One thing should over-ride. Don't create massive confusion.

For example, you can create a center of interest by placing a darker subject right next to a light area. Decide where you want the focal point to be. Generally avoid the very center of the page of the very edge. Place the greatest contrast wherever you want the focus to be.


Stand away from your picture to view the regions of light and dark. What kind of pattern do you see? Is there a coherence? Are lights/darks dominant?

Color Schemes:

Types of schemes include:

Space - architecture : positive/negative area, shallow, deep

Types of perspective

Composition - see the big picture. What are the dominant shapes, colors, etc What is the placement on page - how does this affect feeling? (weight).

