Regardless of the projection type all cameras use the location, right, up, direction, and keywords to determine the location and orientation of the camera:
Click here to see view volume (frustum).
The primary purpose of the up and right vectors is to tell POV-Ray the relative height and width of the view screen. The default values are:
right 4/3*x
up y
Camera direction tells POV-Ray the initial direction to point the camera before moving it with the look_at or rotate vectors (the default value is direction<0,0,1>). The length of the vector determines the distance of the viewing plane from the camera's location. A shorter direction vector gives a wider view while a longer vector zooms in for close-ups.
Not used with orthographic, fisheye, or omnimax projection types.
For ultra_wide_angle, panoramic, or cylindrical projection, use a unit length direction vector.Note: The angle keyword specifies the (horizontal) viewing angle in degrees of the camera used. Even though it is possible to use the direction vector to determine the viewing angle for the perspective camera it is much easier to use the angle keyword.
You may change the tilt of the camera using the sky vector.
1 vertical cylinder, fixed viewpoint
2 horizontal cylinder, fixed viewpoint
3 vertical cylinder, viewpoint moves along the cylinder's axis
4 horizontal cylinder, viewpoint moves along the cylinder's axis
cylinder 1
cylinder 2