Books on Computer Graphics and Animation
- Interactive Computer Graphics, 3rd ed., Edward Angel
- 3D Computer Graphics, 3rd edition,
Alan Watt
- Advanced Animation and Rendering Techniques,
Alan Watt and Mark Watt
- Introduction to Computer Graphics,
Foley, Van Dam, Feiner, Hughes, Phillips
- Computer Graphics for Java Programmers,
Leen Ammeraal
- Computer Graphics with OpenGL, 3rd ed.) ,
Donal Hearn and M. Pauline Baker
- Computer Graphics using Open GL, 2nd ed.,
F. S. Hill, Jr.
- Fundamentals of Computer Graphics , Peter Shirley
- OpenGL Bible, 3rd ed., Richard Wright, Jr. and Benjamin Lipchak,
- OpenGL, a Primer, 2nd ed, Edward Angel
- OpenGL Programming for Windows 95 and WindowsNT, Fosner
- OpenGL Reference Manual, 4rth Ed, Dave Shreiner, ed. (blue book)
Older version is online, click here.
- The OpenGL Programming Guide: The Official Guide to Learning OpenGL, 4/E, (red book) by Dave Shreiner, Mason Woo, Jackie Neider, Tom Davis, OpenGL Architecture Review Board, David Shreiner. Older version is online, click here.
- Java 3D API Jump-Start, A. Walsh and Doug Gehringer, Sun Microsystems Press
- Java 2D API Graphics, Vincent Hardy, Sun Microsystems Press
- The Java 3D API Specification, Henry Sowizral, Kevin Rushforth, Michael Deering, The Java Series.
- Principles of Three-Dimensional Computer
Animation, 3rd ed, Michael O'Rourke
- Computer Animations: Algorithms and Techniques,
Rick Parent, Morgan Kaufmann, 2002. Online version
- The Art of 3-D : Computer Animation and Imaging, 3rd ed.,
Isaac Victor Kerlow, Wiley, 2000. For more info, click here.
- The Computer Animator's Technical Handbook,
Lynn Pocock and Judson Rosenbush, Morgan Kaufmann, 2002.
- Real-Time Rendering, by Tomas
Akenine-Möller and Eric Haines, Online version.
- Inspired 3D Character Animation,
Kyle Clark
- Advanced RenderMan, Anthony A. Apodaca and Larry Gritz
- The Animator's Workbook, Tony White
- Timing for Animation, Harold Whitaker and John Halas
- 3D Human Modeling and Animation, 2nd ed., Peter Ratner
- Inspired 3D Character Animation, Kyle Clark
- Animation from Script to Screen, Shamus Culhane
- Of Mice and Magic, Leonard Maltin
- Disney animation : the illusion of life,
Frank Thomas and Ollie Johnston
- Practical Algorithms for 3D Computer Graphics, R. S. Ferguson
- Graphics Gems I-V
- Realistic Ray Tracing, 2nd ed,
Peter Shirley and R. Keith Morley
- Procedural Elements for Computer Graphics,
David Rogers
- An Introduction to NURBS, David
- Cloth Modeling and Animation, editors Donald House and David Breen
- Digital Image Processing, Rafael C. Gonzalez and Richard Woods
- The Computer Image, Alan Watt
and Fabio Policarpo
- Computer Generated Color, Richard
Jackson, et al.
- SIGGRAPH Conference Proceedings
- Non-Photorealistic Computer Graphics, Thomas Strothotte and Stefan Schlechtweg
- Real Time Rendering, 2nd ed., Tomas Akenine-Moller and Eric Haines
- Texturing and Modeling, David Ebert, F. K. Musgrave, Darwyn Peachey, Ken Perlin, Steven Worley
- 3D Game Engine Design, David Eberly
- Geometric Tools for Computer Graphics, Philip Schneider and David Eberly
- Introduction to Implicit Surfaces, Jules Bloomenthal (editor)