Student Test Questions: 2nd Quarter

  1. Question: What are the three types of style sheets?

    Answer: Inline, internal and external.

  2. Question: When using a table the two most important tags are what?

    Answer: <td> and <tr>.

  3. Question: In reference to a table, what does "tr" stand for? What does "td" stand for?

    Answer: "tr" stands for defining the beginning of the first row. "td" stands for defining the beginning of the cell.

  4. Question: What is the main purpose and goal of Cascading Style Sheets?

    Answer: To allow easy organization of a web page by unifying headers and paragraphs, as well as links to other pages, through writing commands in only one place, thus adding a consistency to look of your page(s) in an easy, timely manner.

  5. Question: What are the advantages to using Casading Style Sheets?

    Answer: 1. They allow for quick uniform formatting of all pages within a site.
    2. They allow the webmaster to easily make changes in formatting to an entire site at once.
    3. The W3C is deprecating the tags that denote formatting within HTML documents.

  6. Question: When creating a page that has frames how do you make it so that a vertical column doesn't intersect a horizontal one?

    Answer: You must use more than one set of frames.

  7. Question: If you are going to have a frame-formatted page with 3 separate sections on it, how many web pages do you need to create?

    Answer: 4: 1 skeleton page, and a page for each of the 3 sections

  8. Question: What are some uses for forms?

    Answer: The basic use is for visitors to be able to communicate with you, whether by survey, questionnaire, or an guest book. This information is then sent to you, in a form that can be counted or tallied for any purpose.

  9. Question: If you are creating a frameset, and forget the closing tag, what will result?

    Answer: Netscape will show a blank page.

  10. Question:True or False. The BODY tag is not used at all in frameset pages.

    Answer: True.

  11. Question:Where does the style sheet information go on a page with an internal style?

    Answer:Between the starting and ending head tags.

  12. Question:Which browser does not support style sheets very well?

    Answer:Netscape. However, none of the browsers works perfectly.

  13. Question: What are the six types of forms?

    Answer: Radio buttons, text boxes, check boxes, pull down menu, text area, and a submit button.

  14. Question: In Java, what are the two categories that make up classes?

    Answer: Objects and Methods (or actions)

  15. Question: What are some uses of forms?

    Answer: Getting feedback, having a guestbook, surveys and more.

  16. Question: What is the main problem with style sheets?

    Answer: No browser completely supports style sheets.

  17. Question:How are colors represented in CSS files?

    Answer:#hex (ie. #a2546f), predefined (ie. yellow), or RGB dec,dec,dec (ie. 24,167,220)

  18. Question: Which browser correctly interprets the most css?

    Answer: According to the web standard project the browser that correctly interprets the most css is OPERA which is a new, lean, fast browser from Norway.

  19. Question: What is CGI?

    Answer: It stands for Common Gateway Interface. It is a standardized way for sending information between the server and the script. Its a program (usually written in a programming language called perl) that communicates with the server in a standard way.

  20. Question:What is an advantage of using style sheets?

    Answer:As you create a larger web site, you are able to use fewer commands. You can just reference your style sheet instead.

  21. Question:What organizational tool can be used to create separate sections that function individually, but are all on one page?


  22. Question: When creating a table how do you designate space for each item in the table?

    Answer: By designating colspan and rowspan within the tags.

  23. Question: Why is an external style sheet sometimes more useful than an internal style sheet?

    Answer: Because an external style sheet can be used for more than one web page allowing for a consistant style among the different sites.

  24. Question:AltaVista limits the length of a description to how many characters?

    Answer: 1024 characters.

  25. Question: In order for other people on the Internet to see your pages, what do you have to do?

    Answer: Upload them to your Web host's server.

  26. Question: What line of code do you need to include in your html document to use an external stylesheet?

    Answer: <link rel="stylesheet" href="yourcss.css">

  27. Question: Where in your document do you need to include the reference to an external sylesheet?

    Answer: In the head of your document.

  28. Question: Of the three ways to include style sheets, the order of precedence is?

    Answer: Inline always takes precedence over internal or external, and internal always takes precedence over external.