History of Computer Hardware
- 1642 Mechanical Adder
- Blaise Pascal, Used gears, could
add and subtract
- 1670's - Mechanical Calculator
- Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz, Could
add, subtract, multiply and divide
- 1801 - Jaquard's Loom
- Joseph-Marie Jacquard metal punched
cards, First "stored program" program device
- 1822 - Difference Engine
- 183? Analytic Engine
- 1890 - Census
- Herman Hollerith invented modern
punched card for use in machine to help tabulate census. Formed tabulating
company that became IBM in 1924.
- 1942 - First Electronic computer
- John Atanasoft at Iowa State
- 1944 Mark I
- Howard Aiken (supported by IBM).
Electromechanical computer. First realization of Babbage's Analytic Engine.
- 1946 ENIAC (Electronic Numerical
Integrator and Computer)
- J.P. Eckert and J.W. Mauchly
at U. of Penn. Used18000 vacuum tubes. Programmed by rewiring circuits.
1000 x faster than Mark I

ENIAC, a general purpose computer,
designed and built by Eckert and Mauchly and
completed in 1946.
- 1951 - UNIVAC (Universal Automatic
Computer) Eckert & Mauchly First commercially available general purpose
See IEEE pages for more historical information
Computer Generations
- First - used vacuum tubes - UNIVAC
- second - used transistors - IBM 7090
- third - used integrated circuits
- silicon
- fourth - used VLSI
- next generation - biological? neural
based ?? quantum??
History of the Programming Languages
- 1940's - Rewire Circuits
- Early 1950's - Machine Language:
zeros and ones
- 1950's - Assembly Language
- Symbolic Version of Machine Language,
Not Portable. Translated by Assembler
- Late 1950's - FORTRAN,
- Backus at IBM
- FORMula TRANSlator
- First High-Level Programming
- First Compiler
- 1960's - Simula
- Elements of Object-Oriented Languages
- 1970's
- Pascal, N. Wirth, Teaching Language
- C
- Language for Systems Programming.
- Small and Fairly Portable.
- Used to Implement Unix on
- Thompson and Ritchie at Bell
- Small Talk
- Fully Object-Oriented
- Interpreted and Slow
- Xerox Park
- 1980's, C++
- Stroustrup at Bell Labs
- Evolved from C
- Large, Complex but Fairly Portable
- Java
Programming Language
- Sun Microsystems 1995
- Evolved from C++ and SmallTalk
- Object-Oriented
- Completely Portable