Now that your page page is gathering more information, it is important that you clean up your code:
For example, the following is very poor format and could give unexpected results (in this case the results are fine)
<b><font size=8>Big Bold</b>big not bold</font> small not bold.
The correct nested format, which way gives the desired effect, is the following:
<font size=8 ><b>Big Bold</b>big not bold</font> small not bold.
Nesting the same tag - which end tag goes with which?
<font size=8>One<font size=2>Two</font>Three</font>
As you put more information on your web site, you will want to break the information into sections and to place each section onto a web page by itself. For example, suppose I want separate sections for school and family. I can create a page for each and to place links to these the pages on my main web page.
To create a family web page, first create a new html document
complete with the normal tags:
<html> <head> <title> Family Information</title> </head> <body> </body> </html>
Add pictures and text related to your family. To keep things organized, I recommend that you create a new folder, for exampled called "family", which will contain all the files (e.g. html and images) related to this web page. Save your html file into this folder.
To create a link from your main web page (index.html) to this page simply add the following to the body of your mainweb page:
<a href="family/family.html">Family</a>
For example, here is a link to a web page that contains a picture of Mt Jefferson.
link to Mt Jefferson