Lab 6: Looping - Cards and Blackjack
CS 141: Introduction to Programming , Fall 2018

This lab is due Wednesday, Mar 7, by the end of the lab.


(Not to turn in) You should easily be able to do the basic loop problems below. Work through these before you begin the Cards and BlackJack program. If you have any difficulties, it is important that you ask for help!!

Cards and Blackjack

The instructions are given here: A Blackjack Game Program (pdf).


To receive full credit, you need to:

  1. Make sure that your Java code:

  2. Demonstrate your program to the instructor or lab assistant during the lab on the due date. You will be asked to display your commented/formatted code and to run the code on a few inputs.

  3. Submit your code as attachments to Lab 6 in Wise. Specifically, submit the following 3 Java classes: