WELCOME TO TICTACTOE You will be X, the computer will be O. The starting player will be picked randomly. Enjoy the game and good luck! You are the first player. It is your turn. Enter the row (0-2) of your move: 3 You have not entered a value in the range 0 to 2. Please try again: 1 You entered row 1 Enter the column (0-2) of your move: 1 You entered column 1 The board is now: 0 1 2 -------------------------- 0 | - - - 1 | - X - 2 | - - - It is the computer's turn. Press enter to continue. The board is now: 0 1 2 -------------------------- 0 | O - - 1 | - X - 2 | - - - It is your turn. Enter the row (0-2) of your move: 2 You entered row 2 Enter the column (0-2) of your move: 1 You entered column 2 The board is now: 0 1 2 -------------------------- 0 | O - - 1 | - X - 2 | - X - It is the computer's turn. Press enter to continue. The board is now: 0 1 2 -------------------------- 0 | O O - 1 | - X - 2 | - X - It is your turn. Enter the row (0-2) of your move: 0 You entered row 0 Enter the column (0-2) of your move: 1 You entered column 0 This space is not empty. Try again entering a row & column. Enter the row (0-2) of your move: 0 You entered row 0 Enter the column (0-2) of your move: 2 You entered column 0 The board is now: 0 1 2 -------------------------- 0 | O O X 1 | - X - 2 | - X - It is the computer's turn. Press enter to continue. The board is now: 0 1 2 -------------------------- 0 | O O X 1 | O X - 2 | - X - It is your turn. Enter the row (0-2) of your move: 2 You entered row 2 Enter the column (0-2) of your move: 0 You entered column 2 The board is now: 0 1 2 -------------------------- 0 | O O X 1 | O X - 2 | X X - Congratulations - you have won!