CS141: Topics for Week 2: Jan 22/24/26, 2018

Computer Science Headlines: ACM Tech News


Lab and Other Activities

Lecture Discussion Topics


Concepts and Vocabulary

  ... variable declaration
  ... primitive data types (int, float, double, boolean, char)
  ... identifier, naming, camel case (see p. 37)
  ... reserved words
  ... variable initialization
  ... case sensitive
  ... literal, String literal
  ... scope, code block (brackets {...} )
  ... constants
  ... magic numbers

Variable Operations:
  ... variable assignment, assignment statement
  ... operator
  ... assignment statement
  ... binary arithmetic operators: +, -, *, /, %
  ... unary arithmetic operators: -, ++, --
  ... Mod function (%)
  ... integer division
  ... Math class, Math.PI, Math.random()
  ... operator precedence
  ... type conversion, cast operator

  ... stepwise refinement
  ... sytax rules vs convention
  ... statement vs expression
  ... programming style, indentation, Netbeans formatting tool
  ... comments, single line, multi-line, Javadoc

String Variables and Operations:
  ... String Class
  ... String operations
  ... escape sequence and control characters
  ... String concatenation and the + operator
  ... dot notation

Keyboard I/O, input/output:
  ... Scanner class
  ... Dialog Boxes (example: String name = JOptionPane.showInputDialog("Enter your name: " );)
  ... System.out.print, System.out.println
  ... System.out.printf, format specifier (example: System.out.printf("%.2f", price);)
  ... console
  ... standard output/input