CS141: Topics for Week 5: Feb 12/14/16, 2018

Computer Science Headlines: ACM Tech News


Lab and Other Activities

Lecture Discussion Topics:

Concepts and Vocabulary

Types of Decision Structures:
  ... if statement
  ... if-else statement
  ... multi-way if-else
  ... nested if-else
  ... switch statements
  ... indentation conventions
Code blocks & variable scope

Decision Structure Syntax:
  ... decision logic and flow charts
  ... condition and body
  ... boolean value, expression

Random numbers

Building Boolean Expressions:
  ... relational operator (<, >, <=, >=, ==, !=)
  ... boolean (logical) operators (!, &&, ||). Examples
  ... boolean operators precedence (See table)
  ... truth tables (p. 209)
  ... De Morgan's Laws (p. 212)

String Comparison
  ... Lexicographic ordering (of Strings)
  ... compareTo() and .equals operators

Other (optional)
  ... The Conditional Operator bool ? val1 : val2 (p. 182)
  ... Switch statement (p. 195)