Lab 3: Classes and Objects
CS 141: Introduction to Programming, Fall 2017

This is a 2 week lab.
Part 1 should be completed by Sept 13.
Part 2 should be completed by Sept 18.
Part 3 is due Friday, Sept 22.

Pair Programming

We will be using Pair Programming. You will be assigned a partner to work with. If you don't recall the process, please re-read the instructions from Lab 2


In this lab, you will gain experience using, designing, and implementing classes:

Part 1: Using Existing Classes

Part 2: Creating Your Own Classes

Part 3: Adding another Class


  1. Make sure that your Java code:

  2. Demonstrate your program from Part 3 to the instructor by the end of lab on the due date.

  3. Submit your Part 3 code to Wise. There should be 3 java files to submit as attachments: the java file containing main, along with and