Exam 1 Topics
CS141: Introduction to Programming, Fall 2015

General Comments and Recommendations

Chapter 1: Introduction


key words
programmer defined names

Java compiler
byte code
source file
Java Virtual Machine
IDE - Integrated Development Enviroment (e.g Netbeans)


Chapter 2: Fundamental Data Types


Class and Method Syntax:
  ... class, object, method
  ... class header and body
  ... class name = file name
  ... access specifier
  ... method header and body
  ... parameter & argument
  ... brackets - code blocks
  ... statement vs expression
  ... semicolons and other punctuation {},(),//,;,"",''
  ... programming style, indentation, Netbeans formatting tool
  ... comments, single line, multi-line, Javadoc
  ... API Application Programmer Interface
  ... packages and the import statement
  ... dot notation

  ... type: primitive vs Class
  ... primitive data types (int, float, double, boolean, char)
  ... Class types (String)
  ... variable declaration
  ... identifier
  ... variable initialization
  ... case sensitive
  ... literal, String literal
  ... constant (final)
  ... scope

String Variables and Operations:
  ... String Class
  ... String operations
  ... escape sequence and control characters See Table 2-2, p. 42
  ... String concatenation and the + operator

Variable Operations:
  ... assignment operator, assignment statement
  ... operator
  ... binary arithmetic operators: +, -, *, /, %
  ... unary arithmetic operators: -, ++, --
  ... Mod function (%)
  ... integer division
  ... Math class, Math.PI, Math.random()
  ... operator precedence
  ... type conversion, cast operator

Keyboard I/O, input/output:
  ... Scanner class
  ... Dialog Boxes
  ... System.out.print, System.out.println
  ... System.out.printf, format specifier
  ... console
  ... standard output/input


Chapter 3: Classes and Objects


Object-oriented programming & Class Structure
  ... Class (user defined type)
  ... Object (instance of class)
  ... primitive type vs class type
  ... Attributes, Fields, or Member variables (data)
  ... Methods (actions)

Method Structure:
  ... access specifier or modifier (e.g. public, private)
  ... method name
  ... method parameters
  ... return type, return value
  ... variable scope: local vs global, shadowing

Class Structure (more detail):
  ... Constructors, default constructor
  ... Public interface
  ... Private implementation, data hiding
  ... Mutator methods (setter)
  ... Accessor methods (getter)
  ... toString method

Object Creation and Use
  ... The keyword: new
  ... Sending a message, calling a method
  ... dot notation
  ... (formal) parameter vs argument (actual parameter)
  ... parameter passing
  ... Null pointer and the Null Pointer Exceptions

Code Design and Development
  ... UML Diagram
  ... API (Application Programmer Interface)
  ... Encapsulation, modularization
  ... stepwise refinement
  ... reusability

Testing and Debugging
  ... debugging & testing
  ... tracing code


Chapter 4: Decision Structures


Types of Decision Structures:
  ... if statement
  ... if-else statement
  ... multi-way if-else
  ... nested if-else
  ... switch statements
  ... indentation conventions
Code blocks & variable scope

Decision Structure Syntax:
  ... decision logic and flow charts
  ... condition and body
  ... boolean value, expression

Random numbers

Building Boolean Expressions:
  ... relational operator (<, >, <=, >=, ==, !=)
  ... boolean (logical) operators (!, &&, ||)
  ... boolean operators precedence (See table)
  ... truth tables (e.g. Tables 4-6,4-7,4-8)
  ... De Morgan's Laws

String Comparison
  ... Lexicographic ordering (of Strings)
  ... compareTo() and .equals operators

Other (optional)
  ... The Conditional Operator bool ? val1 : val2
  ... Switch statement (p. 238)
  ... DecimalFormat (p. 248)


Chapter 5: Loops


increment/decrement operators
while-loop (a pretest loop)
for-loop (a pretest loop)
unwinding and hand tracing
do-while-loop (a posttest loop)
nested loop
Control variable, initialization, condition, update; loop body
sentinel value
counter, running total
running totals, accumulator
infinite loop
