Begin working on the new programming assignment, TicTacToe. Instructions (pdf)
and TicTacToeStubs Netbeans Project (zip)
- Begin reading Chapter 7: Input/Output and Exception Handling - Note, we won't cover
everything in the chapter. Mostly look at sections 1 and 2.
due Mon morning, Oct 14, at 10am:
- Complete reading Chapter 6: Arrays and ArrayLists
- WileyPlus Chapter 6 Reading Quiz, Part 2.
WARNING: This quiz is long. Don't wait until the last minute to do.
due Wed, Oct 16 evening at 10pm
- Complete the WileyPlus Chapter 6 Programming Problems.
WARNING: For several of the methods you need to write,
Wiley has left off the word "static" in the method header. You should not change it in Wiley. However, if
you copy the code to Netbeans, you will need to add in the "static" in order for the code to run in Netbeans.