Exam 1 Topics
CS145: Images and Imagination,
Fall 2010
This exam will be closed book.
Understand the following:
- Window coordinate system
- Drawing primitive shapes - lines, ellipses, rectangles
- What is an algorithm.
- Execution sequence in Processing - in what order are commands executed. This includes
the order when using functions, loops, and conditional statements.
- How is color represented. RGB vs HSB, grayscale.
- Variables
- Data types - int, float, boolean, string, etc.
- Declaring and naming a variable.
- Setting the value of a variable with an assignment statement.
- Arithmetic with variables.
- Scope of variables.
- Conditionals
- If statements, if-else statements
- Comparison operators: <, >, <=, >=, ==
- Boolean oerpators: AND (&&), OR (||), NOT (!)
- Loops
- Syntax
- Controlling the loop - start value, stopping condition, Looping up - looping down, ...
- Double (or nested) loops
- Functions
- Syntax
- Special Processing functions: setup() and draw()
- How functions affect scope of variables.
- How to "call" a function.
- Using random numbers.
Readings in Text
- Chapters 1-8, excluding pp. 100-114
- Appendices A-C
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