Due Date:
Work should be submitted via WISE Wednesday, Feb 3, 2010, 30 minutes before the beginning of class.
Become familiar with variables, loops, conditionals, random numbers
In class we cover the basics of these topics. If you want more examples, more depth, or further explanations, please refer to the following pages of the text.
Once you are somewhat familiar with the above, create and save 2-3 images (png or jpg format) that make use of these commands and that also apply some of the principles of design. Be prepared to discuss what you did.
Wednesday, Feb 3, 30 minutes before class:
Before turning in any of your code, make sure that you have cleaned it up as follows:
- Delete any unused code.
- Formatted the code so that it is easy to read.
- Added comments so that someone else looking at the code can follow what the code does.
You should have a Processing Sketchbook for each of your images. Each sketchbook should contain the processing program (file extention .pde) as well as an image that was generated from the program (jpg or phg format). Place your sketchbooks into a single folder called yourLastName_lab2. Zip together everything in the folder and submit via Wise. In WISE, also include a few sentences for each sketch describing the thought process that went into its creation and/or the design elements and principles that were used. If you need a reminder of how to do the submission, please ask the instructor or someone in the class.