Computational Art is an emerging new field that uses mathematical algorithms and computers to generate imaginative and abstract images. Fractals are a small but well known subset within this extensive and varied field. In this course, students learn and apply mathematics and computer programming to generate a wide range of images and animations. The work is guided and evaluated by standard principles of design and composition.
See brief list of topics.
There are no pre-requisites. It is assumed that students have little or no experience with programming or computer graphics.
Lecture: MWF 10:20-11:20pm in Ford 202
Lab: MW 12:50-2:50pm in Ford 202 and Th 12:20-2:20pm in Ford 224.
Note, lab is optional, however, if you are having any problems in the course, it is expected
that you will seek instructor help during these lab hours.
The required text for this course is
A Programming Handbook for Visual Designers and Artists, by Casey Reas and Ben Fry.
Most of the material covered in class is also presented in the textbook. The book should treated as a reference manual to explore and clarify topics discussed in class. If you get confused as to what to read, please ask the instructor.
Optional books are also available and are
listed at
This course will require extensive programming.
It is critical that you backup your work after every work session. Work
lost due to failure to back up files will have to be redone if credit is to be received. If you do not
own a thumb drive or other similar backup device then you are required to purchase one.
Lecture time will be used as follows: Class is critical for collaboration and class evaluations. For this reason,
more than 5 absenses will result in an automatic reduction of your grade by a full grade point.
Exceptions will be made in the case of illness (note from health center is needed). If you must miss for
other valid reasons, please speak with professor ahead of time. Lab exercises will be assigned approximately once a week. Because of the
cumulative nature of the material, it is difficult to catch up once you are behind.
Assignments will also be reviewed and analysed
by the class on the day the assignment is due.
For these reasons, it is critical that assignments are completed and turned in on time.
If you must miss class due to things such as sports, job interviews,
family demands, etc, you are still expected to have your
work turned in by the due date of the assignment. If you miss an assignment due to illness, a note from the health center is required.
In this case, missed work should be turned in within a reasonable time after you are better.
There will be two written exams to test your understanding of programming
and mathematical principles covered in the class.
Evaluation of labs will be based on the following: Credit DistributionSoftware
15% |
Attendance and participation (more than 5 absences will reduce grade by 1 grade point). |
30% |
Two written exams |
55% |
Assignments (late assignments penalized by 50%) |
A significant amount of matieral is available online. You are not to use this material without authorization from the instructor. The purpose of this class is to create your own work.
In the context of this class, plagiarism is defined as representing someone else's work as your own. Cheating is defined as violating stated rules for an exam or an assignment. Plagiarized work will receive a grade of 0 as will any assignment in which cheating occurred Generally, you will be encouraged to cooperate on lab assignments. The rules and limitations of this cooperation will be defined in class. (Also see student handbook and college catalogue for more details)