Exam 2 Topics
CS145: Images and Imagination,
Spring 2010
This will be a closed book exam. Material will be drawn from assigned readings, class lectures, and
labs. Exam 2 will focus most on material covered since the Exam 1. However, keep in mind that most of the material is
cumulative, so you need to know the earlier material in order to do the new material.
Understand the following:
- String concatenation
- Functions:
- Recursion, e.g. see examples from lab 7
- Turtle graphics
- Complex numbers:
- What are they.
- Standard form
- The Complex Plane
- Polar coordinate representation.
- Operations and graphical representation: add, subtract, multiply, divide,
conjugate, length (or modulus),
- Iterated functions
- while loops, do-while loops
- The Mandelbrot Set
- Syntax for classes: creating a new object and using functions in the class.
- Rescaling and the map function
Readings in Text
- pp. 20-21: String concatenation
- pp. 194-196: Function return values
- pp. 201-204: Recursion
- p. 153: Mandelbrot Set
- pp. 80-81: map()
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