Directions for CS231 Electronic Submission

1.            If you do not already have a public_html folder on your H drive, then go to the top level of your H drive and create a folder called public_html.  

2.            In the public_html folder, create another folder call cs231.  Name it exactly "cs231", e.g. no spaces, no capital letters, etc.

3.            In the cs231 folder, create another folder called labx, where "x" here designates the number of the lab. For example, if you are working on lab 3, then create a folder called lab3 (all lower case and without a space between "lab" and "3").  If you are working on lab 4, create a folder called lab4.

When you are done, you should have a folder structure that looks something like:

Double check the structure of the folders you created to make sure it resembles the above structure.

4.            All of your work for labx should be done in labx.

5.            When you are ready to turn in your lab, telnet over to hudson and log in.

6.            On the line that says Hudson Main Menu>, type in 
and hit return.

7.            The first time that you do this, you must run the setup program by typing:
             sh  /export/pc/lab/classes/cs/scripts/setup
When done typing this, hit return.  In order for the setup to take effect, you must exit and then re-enter unix:  Type exit to get out of unix and then type unix  to re-enter unix.  You do not need to do this for subsequent labs.

8.        After you have re-entered unix, type:
                        submit cs231
and hit return.  Carefully read what is written to the screen. If  the computer does not say it has copied anything, then most likely something went wrong.

9.        Log out when you are done.

10.        Note: this program will not allow you to turn in programs that are past the due date so it is imperative that you turn things in on time.

11.        For future labs, do all of the above skipping #7.