CS241: Topics for the Week of October 8, 2007
- Go over exam 1.
- Due Wed: Lab 5: Array Based Structures and Yukon Solitaire
- Begin Lab 6: Linked Lists and Sorting Cards
- Discuss UML for Yukon Solitaire.
- Reading: Chp 6
- Do a few more examples with Interators. Recall picture.
- Chap 6: Linked Structures
- What is a linked list?
- java.util.LinkedList
- Applications:
- stacks, queues
- Computer Graphics (e.g. scanline polygon fill algorithms)
- operating systems - disk storage
- Code Example
- Look at very simple example - list of integers (node class, list class)
- see Drake for more elegant solution with generics
- Begin discussion of sorting and complexity analysis in chapter 7.
- Examples
- Binary Search
- Sorting Algorithm Demonstrations
[top] [Schedule]