Graph Game - Programming Assignment
CS 343: Analysis of Algorithms,
Spring 2008
In this assignment, you will implement the player strategy for a game. The rules of the game are given
by rules (Word doc) (date: 4/17/08)
You will use as a starting point the program (date: 4/24/08)
described by the UML diagram.
Note that your job is to extend the Player class.
Warning, the above rules and program may change slightly as a result of class discussions. Check the
program date. If you are
unsure if you have the latest version, please as the instructor.
Class Activities and Deliverables:
- Tues, April 15: Download the manual version of the game. Play it until you have a sense of the
strategy. Make notes regarding changes you would like to see either in the rules of the implementation.
- Thurs, April 17:
- In class, we will go over rule or implementation changes. Over the next several days,
the instructor will make the approporiate modifications to and post the result.
- Each group will
meet to discuss strategy. The discussion should be summarized in a written (Word doc) document along
with any algorithms (description or pseudo code) that might be used to implement the strategies.
Please be as detailed as possible. This document will be revised as you work. The final version of the document will be
turned in with your program on the last day of class.
- Divide up the implementation work among group members, i.e. identify who will work on what, so that coding
may begin.
- Tues, April 22:
- Meet with group to pull together program components. Debug.
- Update strategy and algorithms as needed.
- Add Javadoc to the code (no need to do this for simple stuff like setter/getters). Make sure that each method includes "authors", i.e. people in the
group who worked on this method.
- Thurs, April 24: Continue to work with group. Part of the class will be devoted to review for final.
- Tues, April 29: Last day of class. We will have a competition between players. At least 2 hours
before class, email the following to
gorr with CS343 Graph Game in the subject line.
- The zipped together version of the entire program (not just your Player class. Indicate
who the group members are. Include the Javadoc.
- The final typed strategy document describing your strategy and algorithms (in Word). As part of this, include
a brief summary of who did what.
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