Chapter 4 Greedy Algorithms - Programming Assignment
CS 343: Analysis of Algorithms, Spring 2008

Suppose you have graduated from Willamette and are working for a Map company. The company needs a team of programmers to figure out how to find the cheapest route from between points on a map. Specifically, given a starting point, how far is it to any other point. The map consists of cities (i.e. nodes) which are connected by roads (i.e. edges) where each road has some cost associated with it. The costs depend on such factors as length, traffic, road quality, speed limit, etc. Assume all the costs are positive and non-zero.

Now, you remember long ago taking an Algorithms class where you learned about Dijkstra's shortest path algorithm. This is exactly what you need to find the cheapest route. You team up with one other person to do the job.

Before you start coding, you and your partner need to do the following:

Once you have reviewed the algorithm and decided on the above items, you can start to program. You and your partner will use pair programming.

Deliverables: You will be asked to demo parts of the lab before the final due date:

Be prepared to demo the full program in class or lab. Zip together project and have one partner email code to gorr (cc the other partner). Please be sure to put CS343 Dijkstra in the subject line.

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