Course Description and Policies
CS 343: Analysis of Algorithms, Spring 2008


Course Description:

This course examines traditional and adaptive algorithms, formal methods for analyzing their efficiency and the empirical verification thereof. Topics include asymptotic analysis, recursion, mathematical induction, greedy algorithms, and dynamic-programming. Students study several problem domains such as sorting, searching and graphs. recursion.


CS241 or equivalent.


Class: TuTh 9:40-11:20am in Collins 408
Lab: Available times are:

Final Exam: Tuesday, May 6, 2008, from 8-11 am

Required Text:

Algorithm Design , by Jon Kleinberg and Éva Tardos

We will cover roughly the first 8 chapters in the text on the topics: complexity analysis, graph algorithms, greedy algorithms, divide and conquer, dynamic programming, network flow, and computational intractability.

Lectures and Labs

Lectures will be structured in two parts. During one half of the class, the instructor will answer questions and give an introduction to the material. During the other half, students will present solutions to assigned problems. Students are expected to have made a serious effort to have solved each of the problems. Participation will contribute to a significant part of the course grade. Students will be required to write up and turn in "corrected" solutions.


Class attendance in required. Failure to attend class will be heavily penalized.

Due Date: Late assignments will be penalized as follows:


There will be a midterm and a final.

Final course grades will be based in the following:

Attendence and Participation


Labs Write-ups






Plagiarism and Cheating:

If you do a search on the web, you will find a significant amount of code available. You are not to use this material. The purpose of this class is for you to learn the concepts and coding. Using material off the web defeats this purpose.

In the context of this class, plagiarism is defined as representing someone else's work as your own. Cheating is defined as violating stated rules for an exam or an assignment. Plagiarized work will receive a grade of 0 as will any assignment in which cheating occurred. Both plagiarism and cheating will be reported to the university. (Also see student handbook and college catalogue for more details)
