Color formats
3D Rendering
Pipeline - what is the sequence of operations and transformations.
model/local coordinate system, world coordinate system, view coordinate system,
screen space, clipping, back plane, front plane,
perspective transformOpenGL Transform structure.
Color Ramps - how do you do the interpolation?
Display Lists - when and why are they used?
Anti-Aliasing - what is aliasing and how do anti-aliasing techniques work?
Surface representation (function, parametization, vertices/edges/polygons). E.g. algebraic surfaces, DEM, ...
Geometric Objects and Transformations
- Scalars, Points and Vectors - what are they and what operations are allowed between them?
- Vectors: representation, length, addition, scalar multiplication,
dot products, cross products.
- Matrix Operations: multiplication, addition, determinants, transpose, inverse (of standard
transformations such as rotations, translations,scale), identity.
- 2D Transformations: Translation, scaling, rotation, shear, reflection, projection.
web notes.
- 3D Transformations: Translation, scaling, rotation, shear, reflection, projection.
- Composition of transformations.
- Homogeneous coordinates. What are they, why are they used?
- 3D Transformations in opengl using the ModelView Matrix and glMultMatirx function..
- Review written homework problems.
- Coordinate systems -
- Navigation
Scene graphics - be able to create the scene graph for a particular scene (e.g. solar system,
robotic arm, etc).
- Look at Nate Robbins projection.exe (gluPerspective, gluLookAt)
- Camera frame: View Reference Point (VRP), view-up vector (VUP), view-plane normal (VPN)
- Perspective projection and perspective transform.
- Terminology:
culling, hidden surface removal,
z-buffer, view frustum.
- Changing coordinate system vs moving objects (e.g. how do you replace gluLookAt with generic transforms (translate, rotate, etc).