Final Review
CS 445: Computer Graphics
The final will be held Saturday, 2-5pm, Dec 20, 2008. It will be cumulative over the entire semester.
Review class notes, online notes, labs, and relevant sections in textbook.
See Midterm review.
- Frame Buffers
- Setting texture coordinates in OpenGL
- Setting texture paramters and modes in OpenGL
- Reading in textures in OpenGL
- Mapping 2D images onto 2D surfaces embedded in 3D space.
- Procedural textures vs image maps
- Convolution
- Misc
- Bitmaps, masks, bitwise logic operations.
- Cube mapping (environment mapping)
- Mipmapping - multum in parvo (many things in a small place)
- Noise and tubulence
Blending and transparency with the alpha component. How does it work? Why is it difficult to do transparency correctly?
Scanline Rendering vs Ray Tracing: What is the difference? What are the advantages/disadvantages?
- How do vertex and fragment shaders fit in the OpenGL pipeline? You should review the pipeline in any case!
Why can't the OpenGL fixed pipeline implement the Phong Lighting Model?
Dynamical Systems: Physically Based Modeling
- Six degrees of freedom: v and p.
- First order differential equation representing a particle motion.
- Solution using Euler's equation.
- Resulting equations and solutions for constant motion (f=0), gravity, and springs.