CS 445 Midterm Review
The midterm will be held Thursday, Feb 28, 2002.
- Bezier Curves
Color Theory and
Color Representation.
- Image filtering -
2D Procedural Textures.
- Vectors: representation, length, addition, scalar multiplication,
dot products, outer products, cross products.
- Matrix Operations: multiplication, addition, determinants, transpose, inverse, identity.
- 2D Transformations: Translation, scaling, rotation, shear, reflection, projection. See
class notes, assignments, and
web notes.
- 3D Transformations: Translation, scaling, rotation, shear, reflection, projection.
See class notes and assignments.
- Homogeneous coordinates.
- Special Orthogonal Matrices in 2D and 3D.
- 3D Rendering Pipeline - what is the sequence of operations and transformations.
model/local coordinate system, world coordinate system, view coordinate system,
screen space, culling, clipping, back plane, front plane,
perspective transform, hidden surface removal,
z-buffer, view frustum.