This course is an introduction to 3D computer graphics programming. It begins with a short unit on ray-tracing followed by an in-depth exploration of OpenGL. Topics include ray tracing, the 3D rendering pipeline, geometric transformations, color models, lighting & shading, textures, hierarchical modeling, animation, and a variety of scientific applications. Extensive programing in Java and OpenGL will be required.
CS241 or equivalent.
CS 343 Analysis of Algorithms and Math 253 Linear Algebra are recommended but not required.
Class: Tu: 4-5pm, Th: 2:30-4:30pm in Collins 408
Lab: Available times are:
Final Exam: Saturday, Dec 20, 2008, from 2-5pm
Computer Graphics: Programming in OpenGL for Visual Communication, by Steve Cunningham
Class attendance in required. Failure to attend class will be heavily penalized.
Due Date: Late assignments will be penalized as follows:
There will be a midterm and a final.
Final course grades will be based in the following:
Attendence and Participation |
10% |
Labs |
50% |
Midterm |
20% |
Final |
20% |
If you do a search on the web, you will find a significant amount of code available. You are not to use this material. The purpose of this class is for you to learn the concepts and coding. Using material off the web defeats this purpose.
In the context of this class, plagiarism is defined as representing someone else's work as your own. Cheating is defined as violating stated rules for an exam or an assignment. Plagiarized work will receive a grade of 0 as will any assignment in which cheating occurred. Both plagiarism and cheating will be reported to the university. (Also see student handbook and college catalogue for more details)