Read in auto data. There are 9 attributes
> fname := ``:
cols := 9:
> data := readdata(fname,cols):
> names := ["mpg","cyl","displ","hp","wt","accel","year","origin","name"]:
This function takes two columns( n and m) and plots them
> plotCut := proc(n,m) local mm;
> mm := map(u->[ u[n],u[m] ], data);
> pointplot(mm,color=red,labels=[names[n],names[m]]);
This function loops over all pairs of columns and plots them.
all := []:
for i from 1 to 6 do
for j from i+1 to 7 do
all := [op(all), plotCut(i,j)];
> od;
for i from 1 to nops(all) do display(all[i]) od;