This course introduces students to the process of animation production. Students learn about story development, story boarding, layout, 3D modeling and animation, character development, cinematography, lighting, and shading using Maya, a state-of-the art 3D rendering software package. Students collaborate in teams with their classmates as well as students in MUSC 121 Creating Music with Technology to produce a complete animation with original music. Team work and collaboration are critical components of this course.
Expectations: Willamette's Credit Hour Policy holds that for every hour of class time there is an expectation of 2-3 hours work outside of lecture where you are engaged in course-related activities. Since our class also meets for 3 hours per week in lab, this policy translates into 3-6 hours of work beyond lecture and lab.
Students are expected to be comfortable using a computer and learning new software. No experience with programming or computer graphics is required. However, please anticipate a very heavy workload, particularly in the second half of the semester, so budget your time accordingly.
Lecture: MWF 1:50-2:50pm in Ford 202
Lab: MWF 3-4pm in Ford 202
Additional help: Office hours are listed at
course schedule. In addition, Prof Orr is often in her office and
students are encouraged to stop by any time if they have questions. Alternatively, feel free to email Prof Orr (gorr) to set up a specific meeting time.
Evening tutoring sessions with our
lab assistant will also be available.
Lab Assistants: Our lab assistants will be Ruvim ( rkondrat) and D'Angelo (dguiton)
Lab Access: Sometime in the first week of class, you will receive email containing an access code which will allow you 7-day, 24-hour access to our computer lab, Ford 202. Note, however, that the software we are using (Maya) is available in other locations on campus including Ford 224.
Class and lab are critical for discussion of material, class critiques, and collaboration. Your absence will
will pose significant problems for your individual success and the
success of your collaborators. For these reasons:
Every 2 unexcused absences (class/lab) beyond 5 will lower your final grade
by one grade (A becomes A-, A- becomes B+, B+ becomes B, etc)
These 5 allowed absences are intended to be used for such things as mild illness; use them carefully. If you believe you have a legitimate reason for exceeding 5, please meet with the
instructor to discuss your situation.
An excused absence includes such things as being away for a sports event (the coach must send an email), a required school trip for another class (the instructor must send email), or an extended illness (generally requires a doctor's note).
Headphones: If you do not already own a set of headphones, then you will need to purchase a set. They do not need to be high quality; any set will do.
Backup Storage: If you do not already have some kind of external storage, you will need to purchase something (e.g. cloud backup, a flash drive). This is discussed more below under the Backup section.
Reading: There will be assigned readings. Books and book excerpts will be generally be made available in the resources folder on cs-render.
Online Tutorials: You may consider purchasing a basic membership in Pluralsight for several months at a cost of $29 per month. You can begin by signing up for a 10 day free trial membership. Pluralsight has tutorials covering an extensive range of Maya topics. You will find this resource quite valuable particularly as you work on the final project.
You can also sign up for which has a 30 day free trial. If you are a Willamette employee, you have free access through the university.
Optional Books: There are many useful books available. The ones listed below may be purchased or borrowed on a short time basis from the instrutor. A few are available in the library.
If you prefer learning the basics of Maya from a book, consider buying
Other excellent books on computer animation include:
Software: You will primarily be using the 3D rendering and animation software Autodesk Maya 2016. Maya is installed in a number of labs on campus (Ford 202, Ford 224, Collins 204, Walton 27). As a student (if you have a decent computer), you can also get a full version for free from Free software download for students & educators.
Other software you will be using and which is available in the lab includes:
Lecture time will be used as follows:
Assignment instructions and deadlines are identified on the course schedule. It is important that students complete work on time because all assignments build on the previous assignments. Assignments will be also be reviewed and critiqued by the class on the day the assignment is due. See late policy below.
First half of the semester: You will work intensively with
Maya to learn the basic techniques of modeling, shading, lighting,
and animation. Labs will be assigned approximately weekly and instructions
will be available on the class web site. There will be several
assignments working with students in music.
Second half of the semester: You will work entirely on the team animation project. During this time, lecture time will be largely, but not entirely, devoted to review of student work and progress. Lab time will be used for group meetings and coordination - it is very important that you are present for these.
Disk Space: Your H drive will not be sufficient for storing your work. Instead, a separate network server (\\home\cs-render) will be provided. It has the additional advantage that it can be accessed by others in the class (important for team projects) and it is accessible to the renderfarm (important for speeding up your rendering). At the end of the semester, you will be asked to submit all of your Lab 8 work, so don't lose or delete your work!
Back-ups: You should be neurotic about backing up your work! Work lost due to your failure to back up files will have to be redone if credit is to be received. If you do not own a flash drive, cloud backup, or other backup device then you are expected to purchase one. Ideally, it should be several Gigabytes in size. Flash drives can be bought online for around $10-$15 for 32G.
Make it a habit to backup your work after every work session. Keep multiple copies in multiple places such as your H drive, the cloud, your home computer, and/or on a thumb drive. When copying to a backup device, make sure your copied Maya files are still readable. If you have not organized your files well it is possible that misc files will be stored in unknown locations.
Late policy: Unexcused late assignments will be penalized: 1 day (10%), more than 1 day (50%).
If you are ill and cannot attend class, then the work you were able to complete should still be available for review on the network server. If you are unable to complete the assignment, then turn in whatever you have been able to do. Something is always better than nothing.
If you must miss class due to anticipated events such as sports, job interviews, family demands, etc, you are still expected to have your completed work on the network by the due date of the assignment. In such cases, you will not be penalized if these absences are infrequent. Exceptions due to last minute unexpected circumstances can be made but they must be discussed with the instructor before the assignment is due.
There are no written exams in this course.
Lab Grading Criteria: Each lab will have its own evaluation sheet available at the time the lab is assigned. The evaluation criteria will include a subset of the following:
Overall Course Credit Distribution
50% |
Labs 1-7 (first half of semester) are all weighted equally except for Lab 6 (25% more) |
35% |
individual work on the Lab 8 (final project) including status reports and completing work on time. |
15% |
group work on the Lab 8, i.e. overall organization, collaboration, resulting animation. |
Each lab will receive a score in the range 0-10. Roughly the criterion is:
At the end of the semester, the percentage of points a student has earned relative to the maximum amount possible will be computed. The grade will then be based on the percentages below. The grading percentage will be reduced if there are more than 5 unexcused absences (see attendance policy above). Final Course Grade Percentages
AccommodationsIn accordance with University policy, if you have a documented disability and require accommodations to obtain equal access to this class, please contact me at the beginning of the semester or when given an assignment for which an accommodation is required. Students must verify their eligibility though the University in order to receive accommodations. The university policies on disability accommodation may be found here. Plagiarism and CheatingIf you do a search on the web, you will find a significant amount of material on Maya, including already created models and scenes. You are not to use this material without authorization from the instructor. The purpose of this class is to create your own work. In the context of this class, plagiarism is defined as representing someone else's work as your own. Cheating is defined as violating stated rules for an assignment. Plagiarized work will receive a grade of 0 as will any assignment in which cheating occurred. See the webpage Willamette Plagiarism and Cheating Policy for more specific details. At times, you will be encouraged to cooperate on lab assignments for this class. The rules and limitations of this cooperation will be defined in class. If you are not clear on the rules, it is your responsibility to ask the instructor. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |