Maya Process
Here are some recommendations for keeping your Maya project organized.
- Every time you open up Maya you should set (or create) the project - this is very important!
- To set the project, select the menu: File → Set Project ....
- To create a new project, select the menu: File → Project Window.
- Models are generally created each within their own scene file and then later all imported into a single scene file.
- Make sure all the files you need for your project are in the project folder (failure to set the
project can result in files being saved in odd places). This include, all the scene files, any images used for
textures, etc.
Keeping the scene files clean and uncluttered will save you a lot of time in the long run.
For files that contain a single model,
clean-up your file, as follows (The order in which you do these may depend somewhat on the object)
- Before cleaning up, make sure you have a back-up copy saved somewhere.
- Delete History (menu Edit → Delete by Type → History) on all nodes.
- Delete nodes that are no longer needed, e.g. items used to create other items.
If you aren't sure, check what is listed in the Outliner (menu Window→Outliner)
- Make sure remaining geometry nodes are appropriately named.
- Make sure the materials are named appropriately. Delete any materials that are not being used.
- If you are using the default lambert material, you should replace it with a material that you created.
- If the model is to be imported into another file, decide if you want to import lights, cameras, etc.
If not, you probably want to delete these, keeping only the default lights and cameras.
- Set the pivot to the center (menu Modify→Center Pivot) or to a location that makes transforming easy to do.
- Scale your shape to the desired (or approximate) size.
- Freeze Transforms (menu Modify → Freeze Transformations).
- Parent or group together items that belong to the same structure. Rename the group (or top node) appropriately and
reset its pivot. There should be very few top level nodes listed in the Outliner.
- Move the top node to the origin and then Freeze Transforms.
- If you have animation controls, make sure that they still work.
- Save.