Due Date: Wednesday Oct 3, at the beginning of class.
Tutorials In Maya, go to the tutorials on Rendering (under Learning Resources;Getting Started with Maya;Rendering) and work through lessons 1-3. The files you can be found on the C drive at
Before you begin, copy this entire Rendering folder over to your lab 5 folder on enfuzion drive. Once you have copied this over, delete the file UVLesson.psd located in the sourceimages folder. It is rather large and you won't need it.
Note, these lessons will not be collected.
Model a still scene (no animation!):
Materials and Shaders: Include in your scene at least 3 or 4 different objects that in real life have different types of surfaces. For example, a scene of a dinner table might have a wood surface, glassware, plates, silverware, etc. You may use objects you have already created but also include a few new ones. Create and apply shaders to these surfaces so that the scene looks as real as possible. Feel free to use (your own) photographs for image maps or to use the shader library in hypershade.
Lights: Use several lights but it is recommended that you do not exceed 3! Lights are important in focusing the viewers eye to what is important. They also help to clarify (or hide) shapes and features of objects. Be prepared to explain the purpose of each of the lights in your scene. Recall in class, we talked about key, fill lights, and backlights.
Composition: When composing your picture, consider design principles that we have talked about. Where is the eye drawn? Even though you are aiming for realism, still try to create a sense of cohesion through color, shape, light/dark, etc. Try varying the camera and light placement.
What to turn in: Complete 2 or more images of your scene from different angles and/or with different lighting and shading. Try to capture different moods in each of your images. Think about the story behind the picture you have created. Be prepared to discuss what effects you were trying to achieve and why.
On \\home\enfuzion, in the folder IDS252Fa07\Lab5\FINAL_IMAGES, there is a folder with your name. Place your 2 or more still images in that folder.