Lab 7: Conveying Emotion Using Gesture and Sound
IDS252: Computer Animation Production, Fall 2007

Due Date: Wednesday Oct 17, at the beginning of class.


Use both sound and gesture to express a mood, feeling or emotion.


  1. There are no tutorials assigned for this week. If you did not finish the mechanical arm tutorial from last week, now is a good time to finish it.

  2. The assignment for this lab is the same as Lab 6 except that you will start with the sound. You need to listen to the sound many times to develop a sense of the emotion it is expressing. As before, you are to convey this emotion through the gesture of a character combined with lighting, texture and camera.

  3. The sound file assignments are given here. Note, the length of the sound files vary. Listen the sound and ask yourself what emotion does this sound evoke?
  4. You have the option of creating your own character (different from last week) or you may use the "ready-made" character called "bloke". The maya file for bloke is given here ( You need to download the file into your lab 7 project and unzip the file. Whether you plan on using him or not, it is instructive to experiment with his controls to get a sense of how characters are rigged and how controls are set up. Spend a good amount of time just experimenting before trying to get him to do anything specific.

    To see bloke in action, take a look at this animation. It was created by a team of 3 students over a period of 32 hours.

  5. When you are finished with your image, create an animation by combining your still image with the sound using Adobe Premier Elements. You will need to extend the length of time the still is displayed so that it matches the length of the sound. Ask the instru


Place your image on enfuzion in the folder IDS252Fa07\Lab7\FinalEmotions. Name the file using your name or initials. Do not name it according the emotion you are trying to express.

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