Lab 8: Final Project
IDS252: Computer Animation Production, Fall 2007


final deliverables  


status reports  

final deliverables  


The goal of this lab is for you to collaborate with 3-4 other classmates to write and produce a complete 1 minute long animation. The animation should tell a story and/or express an idea or opinion. You will also be collaborating with one or two students in MUSC 339 Digital Music Techniques taught by Professor Mike Nord.




All project material, sample images and animations, references, etc for the entire project will be kept on \\home\enfuzion. See readme.txt for rough idea of what goes in the group folder. In addition to assigning people to the various tasks (story, lighting, shading, etc. ), each group should have a:

Status Reports

Each group will be part of an email group. Every Friday, students should email the entire group with the following:

  1. What you have accomplished in the past week. Be as specific as possible.
  2. What you plan to do the following week.

This will be used throughout the semester to assess where things are with the group. At the end of the semester, these status reports will also be used to help with evaluation of each person's individual contribution. WARNING, if you don't send a status report, you may not be credited with doing the work you did.

Note, at the end of the semester, each person in the group will write an evaluation of themselves and the others in the group. This evaluation will be confidential.

Final Deliverables

Due Date: Except for the group presentation, all of the items below are due no later than 3pm on Friday, December 14. Turn the materials in to Prof Orr (office Collins 405).

Group Reflections: In preparation for the final presentation, each group will write-up a summary of the following. This will be turned in on the day of the presentation.

  1. What did each individual do (be as specific as you can).
  2. Discuss the collaborative process both within the animation group, and between animators and musicians.
  3. Discuss the thinking behind the esthetic choices that were made. Were changes made along the way, and why?
  4. Discuss both the main challenges and successes (technical, esthetic, collaborative, etc).
  5. What were the lessons learned? Come up with at least 3 things what you would do differently next time.

Group Presentation:The final presentations will be on Saturday Dec 15 (location TBD).:

Individual Evaluation: Each individual will turn in an evaluation of what you felt each person in the group contributed, including yourself, (this will be kept completely confidential).

Group Data: Each group should turn in a DVD (or DVDs) containing

  1. A copy of the group folder on \\home\enfuzion containing all of the files related to the creation of the animation (story, storyreel, references, animatics, Maya, image maps, audio, final tiff files etc, etc). Please include only the final files that were used. That is, remove back-up folders, back-up or old maya files, and all but the final tiff (or other image) and quicktime files.
  2. A copy of the music file(s) separate from the animation.
  3. The final rendered animation (with the credits and soundtrack). Note, groups with multiple musicians will have multiple versions of the animation with different music credits. This should be at least 640x480 in size and saved as a high quality quicktime file.

After you have created the DVD, please check it to make sure that all of the files can be read and/or opened, e.g. images, animations, maya files, etc.

