Due Date: Tuesday Sept 30, at the beginning of class.
When you create your new project (through Maya) on enfuzion, please include an "images" subfolder. The reason for this is that, when you create animations, you will be generating hundreds of images (i.e. frames). Your project folder will get very cluttered if these images are not rendered into a separate subfolder in your project. By including an "images" folder in your project, Maya will know to store all of the images in this separate folder.
Tutorials: In Maya, go to the tutorials on Animation (under Learning Resources;Tutorials;Getting Started with Maya;Animation) and work through
The file you will need for this lesson is Keyframing.mb which can be found on the C drive at
Once your project is created, copy (through Windows, not Maya) the Keyframing.mb from the above folder into your project folder on the enfuzion drive. Please do NOT work from the file on the C drive - copy it over to your folder!!!
Responding to Music
In last week's lab, you created a scene that conveys a mood based on a word that you were given. In this lab, you will be assigned a sound and asked to respond to that sound. You may choose to respond either by creating a still image or a very brief animation of no more 1-4 seconds. If your sound is longer than your animation, you can fill the beginning or end of the sound by extending the first or last frame of your animation (directions will be given later). If you are using a still image, then you will create an "animation" that lasts as long as the sound while displaying the still image. All of the needed steps will be described below.
Music Assignment: The sound files can be found on enfuzion in the folder: \IDS252Fa08\Lab4\SoundFiles.
Your assignment is as follows:
Jose | Minami.wav | Lydia | Minami.wav |
Brooks | Nick Gesture.wav | Ben | Nick Gesture.wav |
Travis | Kakeru N.wav | Solomon | GestureDan.wav |
Matt H. | Kakeru N.wav | Caitlin | GestureAndrew.wav |
Sam | Brian Sound.wav | Nick | Jessica.wav |
Ellie | Jessica.wav | Renee | Minami.wav |
Devon | GestureAndrew.wav | Tyler | Brian Sound.wav |
Matt W. | GestureDan.wav |
Before beginning this part of the assignment, copy the above sound into your Maya project folder.
Loading Music into Maya:
If you choose to do an animation, you will need to load the music into Maya. If you create only a still image, you don't actually need to load in the music, but try loading it anyway since you will need to know how to do this for later labs.
Creating the Animation:
If you are creating a still image, you can ignore this section.
Generating the Frames:
If you are creating a still image, you can ignore this section.
In Maya, you will generate your frames as follows:
Saving your Animation:
If you are creating a still image, you can ignore this section.
You can view the animations either by using the time controls at the bottom of the Maya screen or by using Playblast. Playblast gives more accurate timing. Both of these are described in the tutorials. However, to view the animation outside of Maya, you need to save the animation to an animation file. We will use the quicktime (*.mov) format. The first step is to generate the individual frames in Maya. The next step is to generate the quicktime file from the frames. Both are described below.
Combining your Sound and Frames (or Still Image) in a Quicktime file: To combine the frames (or still) with the music, you need to generate an animation file. We will use the quicktime format. To do this, you will be using software package Adobe Premier Elements. Note, Adobe Premier Elements 2.0 is available on the five computers in Collins 412. To get into 412 the room, there is a lockbox with a combination lock containing the room key. In class, you will be given the combination.
Open up Adobe Premier by clicking on the icon on the desktop. Click on "New Project" and save it somewhere in your Maya project folder on enfuzion (use the browse button).
Click the Add Media button (top left area of screen) and choose "from Files or Folders". Go to the images folder where either your still image or you sequence of jpg files are stored. If using a still image, select it and choose Open. If using a sequence of frames, select the first image in the sequence. Click the checkbox labeled "Numbered Stills" at the bottom. Finally, click the open button. This should add the still image or sequence to the Media Window located in the top left portion of your screen. . Similarly, open your sound file. With the left mouse button held down, drag the sequence down from the Media window to the Video 1 timeline making sure that it lines up with t=0 on the left. If the sound and video are of different lengths, ask the instructor to show you how to fix it.
To save to a quicktime file, go to the menu File;Export;QuickTime. Under "Custom", choose LAN(1024k) 640x480. A window will appear asking where you want to save the quicktime file. Save the file in your project folder on enfuzion.
It may take a little time to do the conversion. When Premier is done, close Premier and rename the quicktime file to include your name and the lab number. Place your final animation on \\home\enfuzion in the folder IDS252Fa08\Lab4\FinalWork.
Place your final animation on \\home\enfuzion in the folder IDS252Fa08\Lab4\FinalWork. Be sure that the file name contains your initials or login name.