Lab 6: Creating an Animation Loop with Music
IDS252: 3D Animation, Fall 2008

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Due Date: Tuesday Oct 14, at the beginning of class.



  1. File Location: Again, please work on enfuzion drive and not on your H drive. When you create a new project, place it in the folder
    on the enfuzion drive. When you have completed the lab, you will copy your final animations over to the folder
    Make sure that the name of the file you copy into this folder includes your initials or login name.

    Remember, when you create your new project (through Maya) on enfuzion, you should include an "images" subfolder. Also include a "depth" folder. The files that Maya generates and places in this depth folder should be deleted.

  2. Tutorials: In Maya, go to the tutorials on Animation (under Learning Resources;Tutorials;Getting Started with Maya;Animation) and work through

    The file you will need can be found at

    C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Maya2008\GettingStartedLessonData\Anim

    Once your project is created, copy (through Windows, not Maya) the the needed files from the above folder into your project folder on the enfuzion drive.

    Note, the above lesson will not be collected.
  3. 10 Second Animation Loop


Place your final animation on \\home\enfuzion in the folder IDS252Fa08\Lab6\FinalAnimations. Be sure that the file name contains your name.

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