Directions for Converting Your Storyboards into a Storyreel
IDS252: 3D Animation
It is assumed that your storyboards are on 8.5x11 sheets of paper. These
will be scanned into the computer. In Ford 202, there is a scanner with
a document feeder which makes this process very easy:
- Log onto the computer that is sitting next to the scanner in rm 202.
- Place your storyboards in their proper order face up on the document
feeder of the scanner.
- On the Windows side:
- Go to Start and then Devices and Printers.
- Double click on hp scanjet scanner
- In the window that opens, change the settings so that:
- Source is set to feeder.
- Paper size is set to Letter 8.5 x 11 inches.
- Change the Resolution to 100 (or something close to this unless you need high resolution). This will keep your images from being huge.
- Click scan.
- In the small window that opens, enter a name for your scanned images and then click Import.
- At this point, the scanning should begin. When the scanning is done, a window will open to a folder containing your
scanned files.
- If you drew the images in landscape, you will need to rotate them so that they are properly
oriented. Select all of the images, right click on them, select either "Rotate Clockwise" or "Rotate Counter Clockwise"
depending on what is needed.
- Look through them to make sure that
they all turned out readable. You may need to rescan some of the boards.
- Copy your images over to an appropriately named folder on cs-render.
- Log off and move to a different computer so that someone else can use the scanner.
Creating the Storyreel
To generate an animation from your storyboard images, use Adobe
Premier Pro,
which is available on on the PC side of any of the computers in Ford 202:
- Open up Adobe Premier and click New Project and use the same project settings as you did before
(see Steps in Maya for Creating an Animation).
- However, this time when you load in the storyboard image files, do not check Numbered Stills.
Instead, just select
all of the images by shift-selecting. Click the open button.
- Drag all of the storyboard images over to the video 1 timeline.
- You now need
to adjust the duration of each frame individually. You can change the duration for each
storyboard image by dragging the
edge of the image icon in the video timeline. However, a more precise method to
change the duration of an individual storyboard is to right click on the
image icon in the timeline and choose Speed/Duration... . Then, change the "Duration" either by
directly typing in a number, or by placing the mouse over the duration time, press and drag
down the left mouse button to change the value.
that the length of the duration of all the storyboard's combined should be exactly 1 minute.
- Once you have all of the timing set, save to a quicktime movie as before by following the directions in
Steps in Maya for Creating an Animation