Lab 1: Bouncing Ball
IDS 352: 3D Advance Animation, Fall 2014

Due Date: The beginning of class on Tuesday on Sept 2


Summary of References


Maya files provided for this lab may be found on cs-render in the folder \IDS352Fa14\Lab1\Lab1Materials

Part 1: Review Principles of Animation (nothing to turn in)

Part 2: Review Maya Tools (nothing to turn in)

Part 3: Bouncing Ball


For assignments in general, we ask that you submit your animations to two places:

For this assignment:
By Tuesday, Sept 2, at the beginning of class, place your 4 animations on cs-render in folder IDS352Fa14/Lab1/FinalAnimations/your_name. Please name them in a way that makes it clear what is what. Also, add them as attachments to the class WISE site for Lab 1 (under assignments).