Using the Camera to Tell the Story
- The Art of 3-D Computer Animation and Effects,
Third Edition, Isaac Victor Kerlow has a good chapter (chp 7) on the camera.
The Camera (Lumet) :
- can make up for a deficient performance.
- can make a good performance better.
- create mood, ugliness, beauty.
- provide excitement.
- capture essence of the movement.
- can stop time.
- can change space.
- define a character.
- provide exposition
- make a joke.
- make a miracle.
- can tell a story
- Normal - focal length ~45-55mm
- Telephoto - focal length ~100-135mm - flattens perspective,
compress distances - make audience to feel trapped or claustophobic. Has narrow
field of view and small depth of field.
- WideAngle - focal length ~20-28mm - magnify distances - makes shot feel
spacious, audience is in scene and part of story. Wideangle can also
create skewed perspective, can reinforce a strong or overbearing personality of main character.
Wideangle lenses have greater depth of field.
- Fisheye - very large degree field of view (~180 degrees) - can achieve by
rendering reflection of an environment in a sphere
- To get closer to subject:
- Dolly (moves camera) perspective changes, more dramatic
movement through space, stronger sense of 3D space
- Zoom (change focal length): perspective doesn't change, static, like moving in
closer to 2D image, character with low moral fiber, reinforce 2D element
- Vertigo effect (trombone or Hitchcock effect): Dolly and zoom at same time while keeping
subject matter at same place in frame. Creates a distorted or heightened perspective.
Something weird is going on. Used when characer is starting to realize things are
not as they seem. Sense of reality has been skewed.
- fast (freezes action) vs slow (blurs action)
- Can blur foreground or background during movement
- Controls the range of distances that are in focus
- Set using fstop - value controls size of opening in lens
- higher numbers allows more of frame to be in focus
- lower values of fstop means less of frame will be in focus
- shallow - draws attention to character or give character a sense
of isolation.
- deep focus used in Citizen. There is very large depth of field - foreground and background are all in focus.
- rack focus - camera's ability to shift focus from e.g. front to back. Can
tell audience what you think is important
- Amount of light can pass through lens
- controlled by aperture, which is the size of opening in lens.
- measured by fstop - larger fstop the less light can come through
- shutter speed - time it takes for shutter to completely open and
close (in seconds)
- rotating shutter - shutter angle is the open section of rotating shutter.
adjusting shutter angle controls
- How long film is exposed
- Speed of film
- Establishing shot: usually wide shots - often used in opening and closing shots. They
tell us where you are are. Opening shots often start high up and move in. Closing shots
are opposite - start close in and move out and up.
- Wide shot: frame encompasses an entire scene.
- Medium shot or waist shot: usually includes waist up.
- Two shot: frame that includes 2 characters
- Over the shoulder shot: framed over the shoulder of one of the characters.
Often used when one character is talking to another.
- Close Up (CU): allow for detailed portions of frame. Gets rid of nonessentials and
allows one to isolate important or significant characters or incidences. CU types include: medium, head-and-shoulder, head, choker,
extreme closeup (e.g. just eyes). 3/4 front face is most common,
don't film against busy background, avoid single eye.
- long shot: focuses on scenery
- reverse angle shot: response to a previous shot - used in conversations
between two people where sequence includes shots back
and forth.
- Camera angles: Used for psychological effect - One of the most
important cinematography tools for for story telling
- point of view: camera at eye level seeing what the character is seeing.
- low angle: (looking up at character/scene) inspires awe - reinforces character's
position, e.g. if character is important.
- high angle: (looking down at character/scene) reinforces nature of character if often when character
is weak, audience is looking down at character, also used to establish story
(e.g. establishing shots).
- angle plus angle: camera is angled and tilted (up). Allows for
greater linear perspective. Enhances 3D effect.
- Dutch or tilt angle: results in weird or unstable effect.
- Anything moving in one shot should be moving in next
- Audience should always be aware of direction of movement
- Characters should come and go in opposite directions
- Don't cross the Action Axis.
- Images should convey mood, tone, atmosphere, and meaning
- Balance or unbalance composition
- Symmetrical balance is static, lacking in contrast
- Assymmetrical balance is more dynamic
- Rule of thirds - divide frame into 3 rows/columns.
Main obects should be placed at intersections.
Camera Movement
- Camera movement should always be motivated.
- Make sure tangents (graph editor) are smooth, e.g. slow-in,