• IDS 360 3D Virtual Sculpture
    Spring 2012

  • Lecture: MW 12:50-2:20pm
  • Lab: F 12:40-1:40pm
  • Location: Ford 202 or Gatke B1


Andries Fourie, Associate Professor of Art
E-mail: afourie@willamette.edu
Tel: (503) 370-6258
Office: Art 202
Studio: Gatke B1
Office Hours: Tues/Thurs 9:00-10:00AM
    or by appointment
Jenny Orr, Professor of Computer Science
E-mail: gorr@willamette.edu
Tel: (503) 370-5314
Office: Ford 210
Office Hours: see course schedule,
    or by appointment

Course Description and Policies

Weekly schedule and labs


Ford 202 Screens

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