Slopefields on the TI-82/83
Given a differential equation, say y' = 3x-y, here is how
to make the TI-82/83 draw a slopefield for that differential equation.
We must translate the differential equation: In place of the function (y
this case), write Y (upper case), in place of y' write
Y1, and in place of the variable (x in this case), write
X. So we get
Now press [Y=] and enter our differential equation from
the last step on the first line:
Press [WINDOW] to select a suitable window or range.
Press [PRGM] and select the SLPFE program.
Press [ENTER]once to paste prgmSLPFIELD
on your text screen; press [ENTER] again to run the
Last Modified December 7, 1998.
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