This program plays the Tower of Hanoi puzzle in GRAPHIC mode, illustrating recursive programming on the TI-85. ----begin documentation---- This program shows and solves the well-known Tower of Hanoi puzzle in GRAPHIC mode. For text mode, see the companion program group TwrHanoi.85g There are two parts; TwGHanoi and suGHanMv. The first sets up the game, the second is a recursive subroutine to move the disks. The Tower of Hanoi puzzle is as follows: There are three vertical pegs, usually attached to a board. On the middle peg are stacked several disks of decreasing radius (of course each disk has a hole in its center for the peg): | | | | -|- | >A tower of Hanoi | --|-- | >puzzle with 5 | ---|--- | >disks. | ----|---- | | -----|----- | ######################################### The object is simple: move the tower of disks to another peg, given two restrictions: a) You may only move ONE disk at a time, i.e. only one disk may be un-pegged at any time, and b) you may never put a larger disk atop a smaller one. This problem is often used in introductory math or computing courses to illustrate recursion (why this is so is left as an exercise; watch how the program solves the problem). When the program is run, it asks for the number of disks you wish to start with (up to 9). Unlike the text version, there is no input for delay time; the program is slow enough already, taking about 20 minutes to run using 9 disks (but only about 1:20 with 5 disks.) The program then draws the pegs and disks, and after a brief delay, the disks move from peg to peg, one at a time, with no disk ever over a smaller disk. Programming notes: The list H keeps track of how tall each stack is. The matrix "Disk" keeps track of what disk is in which position. The list C stores the (horizontal) center of each stack. The TI-85 will allow recursive program calls and correctly maintains the program's flow of control, but does not allow for local variables. To simulate local vari- ables, we use the lists FR, TO, and N. The real variable D keeps track of the depth of recursion we are currently at; at level D, we move N(D) disks from peg FR(D) to peg TO(D). Each time the subroutine is called re- cursively, D is incremented. Each time a subroutine ter- minates, D is decremented. Written by Prof. Mark Janeba Dept. of Math Willamette University Salem, OR 97301 e-mail: mjaneba< at > web page: ----end documentation---- ----begin ASCII---- \START\ \COMMENT=Program file dated 04/02/94, 09:17 \NAME=TwGHanoi \FILE=twghanoi.85P "9 disks takes 16.25 min." ClLCD Disp "Tower of Hanoi" Input "# of disks (9 max)",N {3,9}\->\dim Disk Fill(0,Disk) AxesOff FnOff 1\->\xMin:127\->\xMax 1\->\yMin:63\->\yMax {22,64,106}\->\C ClDrw Line(22,1,22,30) Line(64,1,64,30) Line(106,1,106,30) For(I,1,N,1) Line(C(2)-2(N-I+1)-2,3(I-1)+1,C(2)-2,3(I-1)+1) Line(C(2)+2(N-I+1)+2,3(I-1)+1,C(2)+2,3(I-1)+1) Line(C(2)-2(N-I+1)-2,3(I-1)+2,C(2)-2,3(I-1)+2) Line(C(2)+2(N-I+1)+2,3(I-1)+2,C(2)+2,3(I-1)+2) N-I+1\->\Disk(2,I) End {0,N,0}\->\H 1\->\D N\->\N(D) 2\->\FR(D):3\->\TO(D) suGHanMv \STOP\ \START\ \COMMENT=Program file dated 04/02/94, 09:17 \NAME=suGHanMv \FILE=sughanmv.85P If N(D)>1:Then N(D)-1\->\N(D+1) FR(D)\->\FR(D+1) mod(TO(D),3)+1\->\xx If xx==FR(D):Then mod(xx,3)+1\->\TO(D+1) Else xx\->\TO(D+1) End D+1\->\D:suGHanMv 1\->\N(D+1) FR(D)\->\FR(D+1) TO(D)\->\TO(D+1) D+1\->\D:suGHanMv N(D)-1\->\N(D+1) TO(D)\->\TO(D+1) mod(TO(D),3)+1\->\xx If xx==FR(D):Then mod(xx,3)+1\->\FR(D+1) Else xx\->\FR(D+1) End D+1\->\D:suGHanMv D-1\->\D Else Disk(FR(D),H(FR(D)))\->\x 3(H(FR(D))-1)+1\->\HT C(FR(D))\->\WD For(I,2,2x+2,1) PtOff(WD-I,HT) PtOff(WD+I,HT) PtOff(WD-I,HT+1) PtOff(WD+I,HT+1) End x\->\Disk(TO(D),H(TO(D))+1) H(FR(D))-1\->\H(FR(D)) H(TO(D))+1\->\H(TO(D)) 3(H(TO(D))-1)+1\->\HT C(TO(D))\->\WD Line(WD-2x-2,HT,WD-2,HT) Line(WD+2x+2,HT,WD+2,HT) Line(WD-2x-2,HT+1,WD-2,HT+1) Line(WD+2x+2,HT+1,WD+2,HT+1) D-1\->\D If getKy==105 Pause End \STOP\ ----end ASCII---- ----begin UUE---- begin 644 twghanoi.85g M*BI423@U*BH:#`!'P(2"%1W1TAA;F]I>P)Y`BTY(&1I"D`+S-.;PY$,P`O1#D`#PN_-D1I;PY$,``O,TXO1#``#PLS2&]$,0`+,T1O,TX+,TX0,T01;T0R M``LT1E(0,T01;D0S``LT5$\0,T01;SIS=4=(86Y-=@P`:@,2"'-U1TAA;DUV M:@-H`]@S3A`S1!%21#$`;MEO,TX0,T01840Q``LS3A`S1&!$,0`1;S1&4A`S M1!$+-$92$#-$8$0Q`!%O%1`T5$\0,T01+T0S`!%@1#$`"S1X>&_8-'AX4#1& M4A`S1!%NV6\5$#1X>"]$,P`18$0Q``LT5$\0,T1@1#$`$6_:;S1X>`LT5$\0 M,T1@1#$`$6_>;S-$8$0Q``LS1&XZ&_8-'AX4#1&4A`S M1!%NV6\5$#1X>"]$,P`18$0Q``LT1E(0,T1@1#$`$6_:;S1X>`LT1E(0,T1@ M1#$`$6_>;S-$8$0Q``LS1&XZ&!$,@`O M1#$`$6^9$#171&$S22\T2%01;YD0-%=$8#-)+S1(5!%OF1`T5T1A,TDO-$A4 M8$0Q`!%OF1`T5T1@,TDO-$A48$0Q`!%OWF\R`7@+-D1I&!$,@`O-$A4+S171&!$,@`O M-$A4$6^6$#171&%$,@`R`7AA1#(`+S1(5&!$,0`O-%=$840R`"\T2%1@1#$` M$6^6$#171&!$,@`R`7A@1#(`+S1(5&!$,0`O-%=$8$0R`"\T2%1@1#$`$6\S 71&%$,0`+,T1OV$-01#$P-0!OXF_>2F(` ` end ----end UUE----