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Digital Projects


  • Alma/ILLiad NCIP
  • Summer Upgrade

Other Projects

Resource Sharing


GamePlan (Information Literacy for Freshman Athletes): now includes all incoming freshman athletes

IDS 150

Positions & Presentations


Introducing Undergraduates to Research Datasets, presented with John Repplinger, Northwest Institutional Repositories Users Group Meeting, Portland, Ore. July 12, 2016.

Analytics Training: Loans Over the Last Three Days, Orbis Cascade Alliance Summer Meeting, Portland, Ore. July 12, 2016.

WU - Fulfillment Spring Cleaning, Orbis Cascade Alliance Summer Meeting, Portland, Ore. July 12, 2016.

WU - Tracking Library Usage, Orbis Cascade Alliance Summer Meeting, Portland, Ore. July 13, 2016.

WU Alma API Uses, Orbis Cascade Alliance Summer Meeting, Portland, Ore. July 13, 2016.


Getting Finding Aids into Primo, Alliance Primo Hackfest, January 12, 2015 Portland, Ore.

ILLIAD and Alma Workflow, ExLibris Users of North America Conference, May 8, 2015 Minneapolis, Minn.


Analytics for Gathering Circulation Data, Orbis Cascade Alliance Annual Conference, July 8, 2014 Portland, Ore.

WU Challenges & Success: Remote Data Sources in Primo, Orbis Cascade Alliance Annual Conference, July 8, 2014 Portland, Ore.


Orbis Cascade Alliance Implementation Team Working Group: Chair, Circulation and Resource Sharing Working Group


Orbis Cascade Alliance Implementation Team Working Group: Chair, Circulation and Resource Sharing Working Group


Willamette Art Images Workflow, ACRL Image Resources Interest Group virtual Midwinter meeting, February 10, 2011, Online.


Summit Workflow at WU; NRE Statistics / WorldcatLocal Effects; SPOT Next Year, Summit Day, July 22, 2010, Washington State University Vancouver.

WU Worldcat Local Customizations, WorldCat Discovery Day Symposium, July 30, 2010, Portland, Oregon.


NWIUG / Google Analytics, with Sara Amato, Bowdin College, Northwest Innovative Users Group Meeting, October 19, 2008, Portland, Oregon.

Technology Developments, with Scott Hamlin, Wheaton College, DSpace User Community Meeting, June 12, 2008.

New Modes of Campus Integration: OLA/WLA 2008 Conference Presentation, with Jill McKinstry, University of Washington; Elizabeth Peterson, University of Oregon; Anne-Marie Deitering, Oregon State University. Oregon Library Association Conference, April 18, 2008, Salem, Oregon.


Web Design Initiatives: University of Oregon and Willamette University, with Andrew Bonamici, University of Oregon; Kirstin Hierholzer, University of Oregon; Michael Spalti, Willamette University. Oregon Library Association Conference, April 19, 2007, Corvallis, Oregon

Developing a GamePlan, with Diane Mizrachi, UCLA; Julie Tharp, Arizona State; Marc Mason, Arizona State, LOEX 2007, San Dieg, California.