Blobs in Povray

Blobs are described as spheres and cylinders covered with "goo" which stretches to smoothly join them.

There are 2 parameters that are used to control what they look like: threshold and strength.

Shapes (spheres or cylinders) define a field. The field has maximum strength at the center and decreases as you move out to the shape's surface. The threshold determines how much of the shape that you see. For example, if the threshold is .4 then you will see the portion of the shape that has strength greater than or equal to 0.4. The surface of the object you see has a strength of exactly .4.

Below you see examples of blobbing a single sphere or cylinder. The pale transparent object is the shape you would get without blobbing. The opaque shape is the result of blobbing the transparent shape. The strengths of all are blobs are set to one. The threshold varies from .2 on the left to 1 on the right, increasing by increments of .2.


When multiple objects are "blobbed" together, the field strength at any point is the sum of the strengths of all the objects.

Below we see examples of combining two spheres. The image on the left starts with the cubes closer together than on the right.

The top row varies the threshold leaving the strength fixed. The bottom row varies the strength while keeping the threshold fixed.

Spheres are moved further apart as you move from left to right. The top row has a smaller threshold than the bottom row.



Below are examples of blobbing together two cylinders.


