Lab 1: Formating Your Web Page

Part 1: Headers and Paragraphs

Work through the examples on pp. 38-39. Try all 6 headers to see what they look like. Once you are familiar with them, Add information about yourself to your official web page. Use formating to organize the information.

Part 2: Fonts, Style, and Size for Text

Work through the first half of Chapter 3. Experiment with using different fonts, styles (e.g. bold, italic), and different text sizes. Again, apply what you have learned to updating your web page.

Part 3: Adding Images

Download several images from the web (e.g. your own picture for our class web site) and insert it into your web page. Be careful that the image and your index.html are in the same directory. If they are not, you need to include the path name of the image.


