C S1
3 0 :Computing Concepts
Week 1: Aug 29
Week 2: Sept 4
- Introduction to the World Wide Web
- Introduction to HTML
- Reading: In HTML for the World Wide Web:
- Skim the introduction and chapter 1. We will come back to a lot of this
information later.
- Read Chap 2 and start reading Chap 3.
- Lab 1: Some
Simple Formating
Week 3: Sept 11
Week 4: Sept 18
- Using Photoshop to optimize image format
- Linking text and images to other local pages, to local images
- Image manipulation: wrapping text , scaling, aligning
- horizontal rule lines
- lists
- Reading: read Chap 4 and Chap 5
- Lab 3: Organizing Your Web Page
Week 5: Sept 25
Week 6: Oct 2
- Reading: read Chap 11
- Forms with email (chp 11)
Week 7: Oct 9
Week 8: Oct 16
Week 9: Oct 23
Week 10: Oct 30
Week 11: Nov 7
Week 12: Nov 14
Week 13: Nov 21
Week 14: Nov 28
Week 15: Dec 5
Dec 8: classes end
Dec 9-10: Study Days
Dec 11: The final exam will be Monday Dec
11, 2-5pm