Lab 3: Organizing Your Web Page
Organizing Your Page
- CLEAN UP THE TAGS ON YOUR PAGE: Include end tags. Make sure that tags are
always nested.
- Use the techniques descussed in class for optimizing the images on your
web page.
- If you want the viewer to be able to look at the high resolution image,
make thumbnail of that image and use it as a link to the high resolution image.
- For each main topic on your web page, create a new web page to link to.
Your main web page will resemble a table of contents.
Have the above completed by the beginning of class on Monday (Sept 25).
Prof Orr will sit down with each of you individually to check to see that
your web page is complete.
For more information,
see class notes.
Making Up Test Questions:
- Each student should make up a minimum of 6 questions appropriate for an
exam in this class.
- The questions can be multiple choice and/or short answer.
- Two questions should be fairly easy, two should be of medium difficulty
and two should be difficult.
- The questions should not all be on the exact same topic.
- All of the material that has been covered in the class up to this point
can be used.
- The corresponding answers must also be given.
- These questions and answers must be emailed to the class (cs-130-01)
by the end of the day on Friday (Sept 22).