Student Test Questions: 1st Quarter

Number Format

  1. Question: What is 1011011?

    Answer: 91

  2. Question: How many bits are there in a byte?

    Answer: Eight

  3. Question: Change 100101011 to Hexidecimal form.

    Answer: 12b

  4. Question: How many bits of information can a 2 byte word represent?

    Answer: 256 squared or about 65,000 bits of information.

  5. Question: Change 100101101 to Hex.

    Answer: 12D

  6. Question: Change B35E to Binary.

    Answer: 1011001101011110

  7. Question:How many bits are in a megabyte? (use a calculator if necessary)

    Answer:1 megabyte is 1,000 Kilobytes, 1 Kilobye is 1,000 bytes, one byte is 8 bits. Therefore 1MB = 8000000 bits.

  8. Question:What is the Base number of the Hexadecimal system? How is it denoted when writing numbers (to keep HEX separate from BIN from DEC)?

    Answer:Base 16 written like N16 where N is a number in HEX.

  9. Question The term "hexadecimal" means that _____ is the base.

    Answer 16

  10. Question If a byte contains 8 bits, how many pieces of information can it hold?

    Answer 28 or 256

  11. Question 1 hex digit is equal to how many binary digits?

    Answer 4

  12. Question: 000000 is the hexadecimal code for black, what would be a hexadecimal code for light blue?

    Answer: CCCCFF

  13. Question: The Hex color #1322df is yellow. T or F (remember that screen colors are additive)

    Answer: F

  14. Question: How many pieces of information can a single bit represent?

    Answer: A single bit can represent 2 pieces of information.

  15. Question: 1 hex digit =________ (how many binary digits?)

    Answer: 4 binary digits.

  16. Question: Convert Red 226, Green 4, Blue 251 from decimal form to hexadecimal form.

    Answer: Red E2, Green 04, Blue FB

  17. Question: Convert the following binary into Hex: a) 0101 b) 1110 c) 1001

    Answer: a) 5 b) E c) 9


  1. Question: What is the required attribute for an image in html ?

    Answer: <img src=".......">

  2. Question: How do you change the font size of a specific word in html form ?

    Answer: < font size="10">the word</font>

  3. Question: Name three types of lists.

    Answer: Can be any 3 of these; ordered, unordered, mixed or definition list.

  4. Question: What is an attribute? Give two examples.

    Answer: Attributes give options to modify the HTML tag. Examples: could be anything...font size=3 color="red" face="times new roman", Align="center", Etc.

  5. Question:What are the 4 most important TAGS on a web page?

    Answer: HTML, HEAD, TITLE, and BODY. As well as their respective end tags.

  6. Question: What does HTML stand for?

    Answer: Hyper text mark-up language

  7. Question: What is the tag to indent a line?

    Answer: <Spacer type=horizontal size=n>

  8. Question: How do you use an image as a link?

    Answer: <A href="link address"><img src="file name.html"></A>

  9. Question: How do you change the background color?

    Answer: insert bgcolor="color" in the body tag

  10. Question All browsers view pages exactly the same. T or F

    Answer: F

  11. Question: What is the syntax for creating a basic page?

    1. <HTML> <HEAD> <BODY> Basic Page </BODY> </HEAD> </HTML>
    2. <HTML> <TITLE> <HEAD> Basic Page </HEAD> </TITLE> </HTML>
    3. <HTML> <HEAD> <TITLE> Basic Page </TITLE> </HEAD> </HTML>

    Answer: C

  12. Question: What does HTML stand for?

    Answer: Hypertext Markup Language

  13. Question: What are HTML tags?

    Answer: They are the commands written between the less-than and greater-than signs that indicate how the browser should display the text.

  14. Question: Do upper/lower case letters matter in HTML codes?

    Answer: Case does not matter in tags and attribute names. You can use which ever you prefer. However, they can matter in the attribute values (e.g. file names for images or links)

  15. Question: How do you insert a Background picture?

    Answer: <Body background="image.jpg">

  16. Question: If you are in a subdirectory and want to return to the main directory, what do you do?

    Answer: Use two periods and a slash. This allows you to move up one level (to the main directory).

  17. Question: What does CSS stand for?

    Answer: Cascading Style Sheets

  18. Question: What is a quick way to add a space?

    Answer: type the code "&nbsp;"

  19. Question: What tag might you use to insert a html code example into your page?

    Answer: The <pre> tag

  20. Question: Complete: <a ____="">Willamette</a>

    Answer: href

  21. Question: How can you create text that will appear if the image does not?

    Answer: Offer alternate text.

  22. Question: What three tags are necessary in the construction of a table?

    Answer: <table> <tr> <td> (and their respective closing tags)

  23. Question: How do you make text bigger or smaller than surrounding text?

    Answer: insert the tags <big> or <small> along with the appropriate closing tags.

  24. Question: In the image tag, the attribute VSPACE=X, X stands for the number of pixels of space to add on both the right and left sides of the image. T or F?

    Answer: False

  25. Question: In attempting to wrap text between two images, the key is to place each image directly before the text it should "disrupt." T or F?

    Answer: True

  26. Question: You can use variables besides left and right with the ALIGN attribute in order to wrap text around an image. T or F?

    Answer: False

  27. Question: Using miniatures is a good way to get a lot of graphic information on a page without taking too long to load. T or F?

    Answer: True

  28. Question: In the command BORDER=n (referring to inserting an image on a page), n represents the thickness of the border in pixels. T or F?

    Answer: True

  29. Question: To create a line divider on a web page you use what html code?

    Answer: <hr>

  30. Question: How is it possible to hide text in an html document so it won't show up on your web page?

    Answer: You type: <!-- (your message to yourself here) --> Then you can remind yourself of something without it showing up on your web page!


  1. Question: How many shades of red are in the 8 bits of red in true color ?

    Answer: 256

  2. Question: What is a pixel ?

    Answer: The smallest representation of a color.

  3. Question: Name three ways in which images viewed on the web are stored.

    Answer: jpeg, gif, and PNG.

  4. Question: Define anti-aliasing.

    Answer: A way in which jagged lines are made smooth by smearing the edge at a color boundary. For example, for a black line on a white background, anti-aliasing will add grey tones in white pixels that adjoin the pixels where the original line has been made.

  5. Question Why does it make sense to have thumbnail images on your main page, that, if clicked on, lead to the full-size image? Doesn't this take more time?

    Answer Having to click onto another page may take a little time, but including too many full-size images on your main page means your page will take a long time to load.

  6. Question What is one (of the two) advantage(s) to using transparency for you images?


    1. Useful for making more complex layouts.
    2. Useful for making an image non-rectangular

  7. Question: What is the hexadecimal code for Red 226, green 4 Blue 251?

    Answer: E204FB

  8. Question: What is the main difference between GIF, PNG and JPEG files?

    1. GIF and JPEG support transparency.
    2. GIF and PNG support transparency
    3. JPEG and PNG support transparency

    Answer: B

  9. Question: What is Dithering?

    1. When the browser tries to combine existing colors to reproduce the missing ones.
    2. When the computer colors pixels gray between white and black pixels for a blurring effect to soften the lines.
    3. What a child does when he really doesn't want to go to school.

    Answer: A

  10. Question: What is dithering?

    Answer: A technique where two existing colors can be placed near each other to give the effect of a third color.

  11. Question: How many colors does a browser safe palette include?

    Answer: 216

  12. Question: What is the hexadecimal code for Red 255, green 00 Blue 255?

    Answer: FF00FF

  13. Question: What effect does using a smaller palette have on image size?

    Answer: It results in a smaller image size.

  14. Question: What does RGB stand for?

    Answer: Red, Green, Blue.

  15. Question: What is the "browser safe palette?"

    Answer: Set of 216 colors that some browsers use to display colors.

  16. Question: In a jpg image file what effect does higher compression have on image quality?

    Answer: High compression results in lessened image quality

  17. Question: True or False: You can create any color using a combination of red, green, and blue to specify the color tone on any given computer?

    Answer: False. Although RGB color represenstation can represent many colors there are also many colors that can not be represented. In addition, the same RBG representation of a color can appear different on any given monitor and/or printer.


  1. Question: Define the term URL.

    Answer: Universal Resource Locator. Each web site is identified by a unique URL. To request a certain web page, the URL of that site must be specified.

  2. Question The word Protocol means....?

    Answer How all of the computers talk to each other

  3. Question What health harm can be caused to web-readers while viewing blinking text and other high contrast images on your page?

    Answer Can provoke seizures in folks with epilepsy.

  4. Question: What is a simple definition for Internet?

    Answer: A global network connecting millions of computers.

  5. Question: What is a URL, and what purpose does it serve?

    Answer: Uniform resource locator (name for an address), and it contains information about where a file is and what a browser should do with it.

  6. Question: What is an absolute URL?

    Answer: It shows the entire path to the file (scheme, server name, the complete path, and the file name).

  7. Question: What is a relative URL?

    Answer: Describes the location of a file with reference to the location of the file that contains the URL itself.


  1. Question:True or false? The oldest known mechanical computer dates back to the 1400's.

    Answer:False. Blaise Pascal invented a machine that could add and subtract in 1642.

  2. Question Which is faster, RAM, or the Hard Drive?

    Answer RAM

  3. Question When a computer is shut-off, where is the information stored?

    Answer In the Hard Drive

  4. Question What does TT stand for?

    Answer typewriter text

  5. Question: What is a disadvantage for RAM?

    Answer: It only holds memory while the computer is on. Once you turn off the computer everything in RAM memory disappears.

  6. Question: What are four types of information a computer can store?

    Answer: numbers, text, graphics of many varieties (stills, video, animation), and sound.

  7. Question: Write a short essay (no more than three quarters of a page) on how personalized web pages and the increasing use of the internet is beneficial or distracting for students today.

    Answer: Answers will vary. The purpose is to induce a thoughtful response to the subject material learned in class.


