If you need to create multiple frames or panels, download and unzip Code.zip which contains 2 Netbeans projects, one which uses 2 frames and the other uses 1 frame with multiple panels. Figuring out the code by just looking at it may be confusing. In class, the instructor can demonstrate how the projects were put together.
For this lab, you may implement an application of your choice. If you aren't sure what to do, then it is suggested that you do the database project described below.
Regardless of what you do, the primary requirements are that:
Examples include:
Attendance: You are both expected to attend all labs and lectures so that you can collaborate.
Maintain Good Communication: After you pick a partner, be sure to exchange methods of communication (email, phone, etc). You may not need to get together outside of class or lab, but you need a way of communicating in case there are problems or questions. The most common reason for frustration and failure to get the assignment done is due to poor communication. If you must miss a class or lab, be sure to 1) inform your partner ahead of time and 2) provide your partner with any files or information they need in order to work on the project by themselves.
Backup and Version Control of Software: Normally, when doing a large project, programmers use version control software as a way to share and maintain versions of the software. We will not require such software in this lab because learning to use such software can take time. You will learn more about these options if you take higher level cs classes. That said, keeping code organized and up-to-date is important. Be sure to discuss with your partner how you plan on doing this.
It is required that you keep multiple versions of backup copies of your program as you work. For example, every few days (or if you have made large changes), copy your entire netbeans project folder and any other needed files to a safe location, e.g. to an entirely different folder on your H:drive, or a thumb drive, or external drive, etc. If something goes wrong, you do not want to have to re-implement your entire program. Instead, you just need to redo the code from the last back-up. Losing files is not a legitimate excuse for not completing your project on time.
Grading will be based on
Proposal: By April 13, you should submit your proposal to WISE. Look for the assignment titled on WISE:
Note: All other items below should be submitted to the assignment titled on WISE: Lab 10: Final Project
Presentation: Plan to give a 5-10 minute presentation of your project on the day of the final exam slot. It should include:
Submit to WISE - Lab 10: Final Project: No later than 6pm on the day of the presentation, one of the partners should submit the following items to Wise as attachments to Lab 10.
UML Diagram: The final version, which is clean and clearly drawn, of your UML diagram for your entire program. Include authors on the diagram. If it was hand drawn, you can submit a photo or scan. Please make sure the photo/scan is readable.
Project Description: The final revised version of your 1/2 - 1 page type written project description (e.g. in Word). Include a summary of how the work was divided between the partners. It is not sufficient to just say you worked together on everything.