Lab 9: Inheritance
CS 141: Introduction to Programming , Spring 2018

This lab is due Wednesday, Apr 11, by the end of the lab.


Important Concepts

In this lab, you will gain experience working with the concepts below by implementing a program for storing data about different kinds of vehicles. Concepts are:


You are to implement the program given by the UML class diagram shown below. The program creates a Vehicle database containing 3 different kinds of vehicles: Gas, Electric and Bicycles. The circled green numbers indicate the suggested order of implementation. You will need to look up, in your text, the syntax for creating an interface, abstract, super or subclass.



To receive full credit, you need to:

  1. Make sure that your Java code:

  2. Demonstrate: Your program to the instructor or lab assistant by the due date.

  3. Submit your .java files to Wise as attachments to Lab 9.